What made you sad today?

Thank you for your kind words everyone. I really, really appreciate it.

I'm going to be heading off to London in a little while to go and visit him. So far he's had a temporary operation, but today he shall be having his proper one. My Mum went to visit him yesterday and she said he's doing okay. According to the doctor he should be able to go home tomorrow, which is good news. Once I see him, I'll be happy.

Thanks again everyone :) You're all lovely.
Best wishes going to you Nikkisaurus!

WMMST: England keeping with tradition to get knocked-out on penalties in a major tournament. More sad at the sheer amount of England hate out there though.
Best wishes going to you Nikkisaurus!

WMMST: England keeping with tradition to get knocked-out on penalties in a major tournament. More sad at the sheer amount of England hate out there though.

Glad I'm not the only one Dom! Well to be fair I know I'm not the only one, but the nay-sayers know how to make themselves heard.

Without going into too much detail, Hodgson is still undefeated with England and we have a bright future ahead of us.
I feel kinda sad on account of England getting knocked out. Don't know why. Should I be gloating since they beat Sweden? Dunno. But it feels like England always loses on penalties. Seeing Gerrard's sad face really makes me feel for the chap.
I feel especially for Gerrard, he's had an amazing tournament but everyone seems to want to ignore it. Heard so many people say he's been rubbish and...well they just don't know anything about Football.
Still struggling with a cold that I picked up last week and really kicked in on Friday......driving from Nottingham to Southampton was no fun at all. Decided to work from home for a couple of days just to make sure I'm over it properly
WMYST: The latest Manowar album, The Lord of Steel.

Just bland and lifeless. Ear-raping distorted bass on most tracks. Most songs just seem cookie-cutter and lacking that characteristic bombastic, raw Manowar energy. Far, far less epic than Gods of War (a brilliant album), I don't know which loses out more the production quality or the song writing :(

Addendum: Songs are also woefully short.
WMYST: The latest Manowar album, The Lord of Steel.

Just bland and lifeless. Ear-raping distorted bass on most tracks. Most songs just seem cookie-cutter and lacking that characteristic bombastic, raw Manowar energy. Far, far less epic than Gods of War (a brilliant album), I don't know which loses out more the production quality or the song writing :(

Addendum: Songs are also woefully short.

I guess 'El Gringo' was a big clue as to what to expect then...aside from the fact that song is a fair enough length (perhaps too long considering how boring it is). I've still got the album to listen to.
RIP Jon Lord. One of the first keyboardists to really influence me. I hadn't followed his battle with cancer too closely but I was hoping he would recover. At least he can rest now.
Safe to say Deep Purple helped define the heavy metal sound, and had a huge influence on so many people from all walks of rock. Jon Lord helped make DP special and it's sad to see a legend leave us. RIP Jon :rock:
I've got a couple of friends, one of which is a guy who I've known since Secondary School and the other a lass who I met through him. I am friends with them both and they are really sound...when they aren't in between relationships.

They've split up and got back together so many times since I've known they've been together (about a year or two ago) that I've lost count. I don't get involved in any conversations on this side of things (unless I'm kinda "forced" to, which unfortunately has happened on one occasion, it was a situation that takes long to explain and is rather boring so I'll spare you the details).

But basically, it makes me sad that some people are like this, that they'd keep falling out and getting back together. I don't get it. You'd think people in this situation after two or three times would figure out that they are best not being in an intimate relationship.

I dunno, just awkward in this case because I'm friends with them both and keep in contact with them both without getting involved in this malarkey whenever possible.