What makes you feel deranged...?

I agree with you Frodnat on the armour plating and the post traumatic stress backlash.

Frodnat, I have terrible reactions to SSRI's , they make me go psycho, they are not meant for manics, they can trigger manic episodes.
I took lithium and zyprexa (a great drug, by the way, fantastic), but I am also allergic to these meds. I have half the chemical allergies off of them than I do on them. A trade off, seriously. I'm fucked either way.

I do think medications can be good but not for everyone. One life! Sometimes you don't need to spend your whole fucking life fighting the illness, focused on or consumed with fixing yourself. Medications can be the most merciful thing for some. It brings peace often. Try to tell a schizophrenic that he should be able to not only be strong enough or smart enough or learn how to analize himself better than any doctor, but be able to put it to work WHILE he is inside this illness WITHOUT the aid of medication to help him get clear enough to deal with the illness at all. The same goes for seriously depressed people or manic-depressives. It cannot be done and it is cruel and unfair. It is like blaming the victim telling them that they should be able to overcome this ILLNESS! It's WRONG and unethical when there is treatment available. It may not be perfect but it is often the thing that saves people's lives, allows them to live a NORMAL life, before it all slips by, getting the chance to LIVE it and appreciate normal things that everyone else takes for granted. BUT it should be their OWN choice to take these meds., no one elses.
To really overcome an illness is an entire lifetime of therapy that most people don't even have access to. Your life is gone by then. I know that it is not something that can be fixed in a decade, or even two. People need their lives back. Or need a life that they never have had, that they watch everyone else get to have.

Dora said:
you can only find experienced psychopaths here

tehehehehe! Yep!

Dhatura said:
If there's trouble what you need is not explanation but talk talk talk, and someone to love you.

I have to agree with dhatura the most though, except casual sex can be good sometimes if you like the person.

Sol, you crack me up!
I got Zyprexa for 2 weeks, I felt like being locked away. Never again !!! :) Atypical antipsychotic... :hypno:

No drugs for me...

There are no psychopaths in here... :hotjump: :)
Zyprexa changed my life. I was on it for about five years. It wiped clean 80% of my inhibitions and some other things, and since I've been off of it, it's affects have remained intact. This is what these drugs are supposed to do, redirect your chemical pathways, make new grooves in your brain, so to speak, retraining them to remain this way for good. It is created for manic depressives. Other antipsychotics are really BAD for bipolar people, they are only given as a very last resort when nothing else works.

Like I said, SSRI's make me psycho (talk about atypical nightmare, Wellbutrin, an atypical SSRI, is pure EVIL for me) ,but change other people's lives completely. We are all different and these illnesses are are all very different from each other.
trona, as far as i know lithium isnt the only mood stabilizer.. check out others.. eh, i wouldnt like to be bipolar thats sure.. its too hard to do it without drugs.
as i read many stuff on the net, i noticed that US sites force drug medications more (prozac nation innit?), i mean, its OK to say "its only genetical chemical problem you are not responsible, it can be fixed, take this and that" but in the same time it also means in a way that "you cannot do anything cos the problem is out of your will" which i dont believe.. its like hell to figth with such things but i think its worth it.. dont take it easy, maybe it doesnt look as serious as being amputed or blind or whatever, cos you can do lotsa things, but if ppl would sum up life at the end, i think mental shits would cause at least the same harm to productivity and happiness - if not more. But hey, cheer up, its Xmas time, hohoho.. Happy New Year to the Lunatics Club as well! :hypno:
Dora said:
But hey, cheer up, its Xmas time, hohoho.. Happy New Year to the Lunatics Club as well! :hypno:
Yeah, I'll drink my cocktail to that! Cheers you all! :Spin:

By the way, I think it is great that this is a more serious discussion on mental illness than all that sh*t on the "should-we-ban-Trona-poll". Yes people, we can improve!
Alwin said:
Yeah, I'll drink my cocktail to that! Cheers you all! :Spin:

By the way, I think it is great that this is a more serious discussion on mental illness than all that sh*t on the "should-we-ban-Trona-poll". Yes people, we can improve!
Maybe we just showed our real faces a bit, instead of beating around the bush...

Merry Xmas and yes, watch the firework...