What makes you feel deranged...?

hm, what makes me feel deranged, or lets say some afraid, when looking back on this year and realising how many things changed, fortunately in a good way, so thanx again to all people helping me that it turned out that way (u know... :) )
lies...using bastards...lies...selfishness...lies...deceitfulness...lies...greed...lies...
cheats...more lies...kunts...lies...cold hearts...lies...women's/men's magazines...western medication...mtv...mass media overload...more and more of those lies...its all very simple.
rasher said:
lies...using bastards...lies...selfishness...lies...deceitfulness...lies...greed...lies...
cheats...more lies...kunts...lies...cold hearts...lies...women's/men's magazines...western medication...mtv...mass media overload...more and more of those lies...its all very simple.

You forgot lies. :D
rasher said:
lies...using bastards...lies...selfishness...lies...deceitfulness...lies...greed...lies...
cheats...more lies...kunts...lies...cold hearts...lies...women's/men's magazines...western medication...mtv...mass media overload...more and more of those lies...its all very simple.

What do you mean by women's/men's magaaines?
Dora said:
trona, as far as i know lithium isnt the only mood stabilizer.. check out others..

Yes, I've tried them all. Depacote was the worst, it put me in the hospital. Lithium was the only one I've been able to tolerate and i'm still allergic to it.
I've tried every SSRI, and the atypical ones as well, hoping to hit on one that i didn't freak out on, mood stablizers all. When my doctor and I decided on trying zyprexa, it had only recently come on the market. She didn't want to allow me to take other neuroleptics because of the side affects, (tardive dyskinesia),and this is one, but our last hope really. But it's a combo.super-drug:mood stabilizer, benzodiazapine, and a tiny ammount of SSRI (amazing I didn't lose it on it). When it worked and I didn't freak out on it, she fucking cried. And no side affects but the allergic thing and not that bad either. We'd been working on my brain for eight years at that point. :)
That probably makes Frodnat cringe. :ill:

Hey, it WAS a good discussion between Alwin, Frodnat, Dhatura, Dora, sol, allen, me, yep. Good luck to us all ! ;) :wave:
Alwin said:
Yeah, I'll drink my cocktail to that! Cheers you all! :Spin:

By the way, I think it is great that this is a more serious discussion on mental illness than all that sh*t on the "should-we-ban-Trona-poll". Yes people, we can improve!
yesh. well shaid.
ah, m***i, is it true? I only knew youre living on X***x which is for neurotics, but now you have antidepressants, too? Dont worry about it, at least it means you finally made your way to a real doc who can cure you... maybe... Though, dont expect anything from eating pills, you need to work a lot yourself to achieve any result. ;)
Dora said:
ah, mehdi, is it true? I only knew youre living on Xanax which is for neurotics, but now you have antidepressants, too? Dont worry about it, at least it means you finally made your way to a real doc who can cure you... maybe... Though, dont expect anything from eating pills, you need to work a lot yourself to achieve any result. ;)

This is a perfect example of a monghead. Currently ranked third in the poll, Dora is definitely one to watch out for in the coming months. Excellent
hey, mehdi, you forgot to log off and change users.. memory-loss is a warning sign :D