What music have you been digging of late?

God "Black Hoodie" is so cringeworthy and shit. The lyrics stink of an old rich fuck trying to remain relevant by consuming non-stop CNN drivel, pretending to be mad and writing some lazy vocals over boring instruments. How do you like this shit?

Old Body Count was a billion times better than this shit.
Too remain popular, one must try and stay relevant. That is what Body Count have done rather successfully mate. You find it cringe worthy where an awful lot of people are hailing it as a great album.

I personally like the album because it does sound raw and angry like the first two B.C. albums. Maybe because I am an old bastard I enjoy it....
I think when modern hardcore attempts to throwback or rehash it is sad.

I have always wondered how artists remain angry after they have 'made it' but I guess the anger never really goes any where....I mean, it can't buy happiness right?
I reckon the new BC is great. I've been listening to them since about 1993 and it's better than anything after the first album.
Living Colour released a new album recently (Shade) and I gave it a listen earlier. Sounds really good on first listen, more so than their previous album.
Where do you folks buy albums these days? I just ordered some Sabbath and Dio on wowhd.com.au. They don't have everything, but are pretty good.
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