What Opeth lyric says the most about you?

"We are all bending
Our tired leaves over your empty shell
In the sign of true esteem
Are you beloved lord
Sighing deep under these waterfalls?"

Bring me through
Carry my empty shadow
And guide me inside your warped labyrinth
To the well of sin
I swear I will always love you

In The Mist She Was Standing

Seven milestones...
Under a watching autumn eye
Contorted trees are spreading forth
The message of the wind

With frozen hands I rode with the stars

With anger the wind blew
Giving wings to my stallion
Clouds gathered across the moon
Blazing the white light

Passing the lake I know so well
I am near, yet so far away

I saw her shadow (standing) in the darkness
Awaiting me like the night
Awaits the day
Standing silent smiling at my presence
A black candle holds the only light

Darkness encloses
And the candle seem to expire
In her cold, cold hand
And as a forlorn soul
It will fade away

Touching her flesh in this night
My blood froze forever
Embraced before the dawn
A kiss brought total eclipse

And she spoke
Once and forever
I am so cold
In mist enrobed the twilight
She was standing...

Yes, the whole song. It is beautiful.
Alcapoth said:
These words always get to me somehow....powerful stuff (musically, vocally also, etc.)...

I saw her standing in the darkness
Awaiting me like the night awaits the day
Standing silent smiling at my presence
A black candle holds the only light..."


"I stand motionless
In a parade of falling rain
Your voice I cannot hear
As I am falling again."

another I have strong feelings about....

"Bring me through
Carry my empty shadow
And guide me inside your warped labyrinth
To the well of sin
I swear I will always love you."

Here we go again: Night waiting for day? A candle holding sth? Parading rain? empty shadow? well of sin?
Can anyone tell me what these things mean? Why all this empty useless imagery that does nothing but cloud the meaning? Words for the mere sake of words.

I really haven't heard any good Opeth lyrics except on Damnation, but someone told me Mikael had said the lyrics of Damnation were bollox that didn't really mean anything to him, strange.
There is a wound that's always bleeding though.

And please don't pull one of your overdefensive without sense of reality about anything not ectatically positive about Opeth. Tell me what meaning these lyrics hold to you.
Allan said:
Here we go again: Night waiting for day? A candle holding sth? Parading rain? empty shadow? well of sin?
Can anyone tell me what these things mean? Why all this empty useless imagery that does nothing but cloud the meaning? Words for the mere sake of words.

I really haven't heard any good Opeth lyrics except on Damnation, but someone told me Mikael had said the lyrics of Damnation were bollox that didn't really mean anything to him, strange.
There is a wound that's always bleeding though.

And please don't pull one of your overdefensive without sense of reality about anything not ectatically positive about Opeth. Tell me what meaning these lyrics hold to you.

I'll try to justify the literature, but I think that you aren't reading into the lyrics. There are akward words that don't make sense initially, but you need to read it full a few times before you catch what is trying to be said. It is just like any imagery-filled literature. Yes, some of it doesn't make sense, but remember, they aren't American, English, South African, Australian, etc...

Well I would have to say waiting for someone like the night awaits the day would be sort of like waiting for a sunrise. No matter what you do, night will cease to exist and it will be day time. It may take a long time, but it will eventually happen. She will wait for him as long as it takes. She doesn't know how long it will take, but she knows that he will eventually arrive. She is yearning for him like someone yearning for sunlight during the night. Very simple. How can you question the literature in that phrase?

"A black candle holds the only light" might be a grammatical error, but I personally do not think that it is an error. The candle that she holds is the only source of light. Making it a black candle adds a sense of irony. There is contrasts of black and light. Remember, Mikael's native language isn't English.

"I stand motionless in a parade of falling rain" makes sense. You just need to read the rest of the stanza. A parading rain isn't normal rain, it is loud rain that muffles other sounds. That is why he cannot hear the voice.

That "well of sin" is a little tricky. Everyone sins and everyone tries to hide these sins from the ones that they love. He is saying that everyone is a labyrinth and at the center of us all (the center of the labyrinth) there is our heart (metaphorically the center of all our emotions). Our hearts are filled with the good and the bad. This well is the heart and everyone's heart is filled with sins. He doesn't care what sins she has commited or what she has done in the past. He will always love her for what she is not what she has done.
Here we go again: Night waiting for day? A candle holding sth? Parading rain? empty shadow? well of sin?
Can anyone tell me what these things mean? Why all this empty useless imagery that does nothing but cloud the meaning? Words for the mere sake of words.

I really haven't heard any good Opeth lyrics except on Damnation, but someone told me Mikael had said the lyrics of Damnation were bollox that didn't really mean anything to him, strange.
There is a wound that's always bleeding though.

And please don't pull one of your overdefensive without sense of reality about anything not ectatically positive about Opeth. Tell me what meaning these lyrics hold to you.
Why should lyrics have to be simple and blunt? What on earth is wrong with lyrics where the meaning isn't immediately obvious? Furthermore, when they are paired with music (i.e. they aren't just poetry) they don't need to do anything beyond express the mood of the music. Yeah, some can tell a story or whatever but they don't NEED to... that's why they have music with them.

You know, people use imagery because you get a more emotional response by describing exactly HOW something made you feel than WHAT it made you feel.
"I was suspicious"
"Devious movement in your eyes, moved me from relief"

That's why the best literature isn't the stuff that's written like a children's book. And if you want your lyrics written that way I don't really have any time for you.

That said, what is complicated about "I stand motionless in a parade of falling rain."

There's rain.
It's falling.
He's standing in it.
And not moving.


Jesus christ, that's one of the more SIMPLE lyrics i can imagine.
Iblys said:
Why should lyrics have to be simple and blunt? What on earth is wrong with lyrics where the meaning isn't immediately obvious?

You know, people use imagery because you get a more emotional response by describing exactly HOW something made you feel than WHAT it made you feel.

That's why the best literature isn't the stuff that's written like a children's book. And if you want your lyrics written that way I don't really have any time for you.

There's one of those someone said smth not good of Opeth panic attacks. Did you even try to understand what I was saying?

In no way did I say lyrics should be simple, blunt or obvious.

And I most certainly didn't say imagery in itself was bad.

I feel Opeth's imagery often is without meaning, and is just used in order to cloud the meaning, romantisise it or if we're to be philosophical distance one from it.
Imagery should describe the emotion/person/event in a deeper manner.
So when I asked you for the meaning, I asked for the meaning the imagery added, what was the deeper meaning in describing rain as parading for examble. To me it would be more direct to say loud. One guy (Segas....)even gave it a decent shot before you came and paraded ( :p ) your lack of understanding.

Let me clarify the problems I have with the mentioned fragments.

Night isn't waiting for day, day just happens to follow night, so it makes no sense to say "as the night awaits the day". You could say (and someone most probably have) I follow you as day follows night.

To say a candle is holding sth is pretty much the same problem, besides that it's superfluous to say a candle holds light, kind of like saying the ocean holds water. Or to say a shadow is empty.

A well of sin kind of makes sense in that a well is a necessity of life to some, as the things that make most people feel alive is considered sins. But all that through the warped labyrinth (lies, masks), and trhen the. It all has a very barbaric sound to it though, like sth out of a German porn flic (only in english :erk: ).

Now this is all so unfair, I get to criticise your beloved Opeth lyrics without putting sth outthere I like. Here you go:

"If the truth hurts, prepare for pain"
"Maybe one day you will see me as I am, a fragile wreck on a storm of emotion"
"So many years of pathetic lies, empty promises and unfulfilled dreams are scattered like dust into the winds. Looking for the sun that eclipsed behind black feathered wings. Tomorrow never comes, there was only ever one day and now it's too late."
"Wasted moments won't return"

Better stop now, simple, blunt, obvious, eh?
what was the deeper meaning in describing rain as parading for examble. To me it would be more direct to say loud.

To me that line "in a parade of falling rain" was never about how loud the rain was, it was about the splendour of the rain, the way it was like a parade, a show, a display.

Even if it was meaning loud, why should he say 'the rain was loud' when he can say 'in a parade of falling rain'? Why settle for something so simple and bland when you can make it poetic and impressive?

The benefit of 'direct lyrics' is that you can instantly understand the story behind them, without having to actually think about it. The benefit of 'indirect lyrics' such as these is that they damn well sound better.

Night isn't waiting for day, day just happens to follow night,

God forbid we personify anything. Shit, i guess next metaphors will be be banned... i mean, they don't make sense either?! A rock is a rock, you can't call it anything else!

Fuck, if we all wrote like this, i wouldn't want to read any lyrics.

Plunging towards bereavement faster yet
Clearing thoughts, my mind is set
Devious movements in your eyes
Moved me from relief
Breath comes out white clouds with your lies
And filters through me

Would become this:
Getting close to being really sad
My mind is pretty clear now
The way your eyes move makes me suspicious
Your breath is white because it is cold
And you don't tell the truth too often
Allan, I don't think that you can properly analyze literature. Finish taking your remedial literature classes in high school, then read the lyrics. -_-