What the fuck is going on ?

Apr 9, 2004
In loco parentis
What is it ?

you're in luck. i just had this about 2 weeks ago. exact same shit. it is spyware. but ad-aware doesn't pick it up right away. i had to ugrade mcafee and get the antispyware with it. i ran that, then got the newest updated version of adaware personal. and then ran that. and it got rid of everything. that should save you some time from talking to the damn foreigners at windows that need to learn to speak fucking english.

good luck haha
no they come from everywhere, i was on the phone with 6 or 7 different faggots. most sounded middle eastern, and i couldn't get a fucking word out of them that i understood. and one lady sounded british and she was MUCH easier to understand.