What the FUCK?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia

I'm .. what the fuck?
dude, this really makes me sad. how can you want your own son to be raped and get aids?

i'm sure some of that has to be fake, but i don't doubt there are really people out there like this.
ive tried to think of a reply for this topic about 4 times over the last 20 minutes and nothing can quite sum up the look on my face
what the fuck
People think stuff like feet fetishes and bondage fetishes are weird.
Suddenly, they've just become really normal.
Now that I know an AIDS/HIV fetish exists, I don't even know do not want do not comprehend idea I don't understand what is this not sense make do.
These people are fucking nuts.

If any person reaches a point where they consider HIV to be a "Gift", then clearly all hope is lost and liquidation is the only real solution.

And Morgan, just to correct you, it's not necessarily what Gay men believe, it's what mentally disturbed lunatics believe. :)
I am genuinely disturbed.
In that CNN piece, I completely disagree that there is a lack of awareness of the seriousness of HIV.
How anyone, especially a gay man could possibly think you could "just take a couple of pills" and get rid of it, is beyond me.
Morgan wasn't agreeing with that I don't think, someone else put that in the image file.

But yeah...

I couldn't type WTF enough times to truly cover the amount of WTF I feel.
I am genuinely disturbed.
In that CNN piece, I completely disagree that there is a lack of awareness of the seriousness of HIV.
How anyone, especially a gay man could possibly think you could "just take a couple of pills" and get rid of it, is beyond me.

That's exactly the thing dude.
Common sense and knowledge are really not all that common unfortunately.


If people are too fucking ignorant and stupid as to not know the year the 9/11 attacks occurred, it's entirely understandable that people that are too fucking retarded and ignorant enough to think some pills can cure AIDS/HIV exist.