What the FUCK?

Here's something that really happened locally: People go to prison for knowingly spreading HIV in Canada.


Eligibility for parole in 6 years? FUCK THAT.
The guy basically gave people life sentences, yet this muthafucker can potentially be out on the streets again in 2014.
Hope this muthafucker gets the fucking turd beaten out of him in jail.
Well. This is a new low I've seen here. And I thought I've seen it all. Wow. These people would be better served pulling a shotgun in their mouths and doing us a favor of saving oxygen for the rest of us
Someone should make a motivational poster about this.

"THE GIFT - what part of "terminal disease" do you not understand?"
The thought of there being "bug chasers" makes me feel literally quite sick to my stomach... I feel terrible for these people. It is absolutely mind-blowing that someone could so surrender their mind to their body, that they literally could come to believe that a terminal illness can offer them some kind of erotic sense of wholeness. In my view, there is undoubtedly a spiritual factor in this.
This isn't anything new to me, the song 'Sunshine the werewolf' by 'the dillinger escape plan' is about this subject and was written about 5 years ago. I didn't have a clue what he was shouting about so I had a quick google and it's pretty obvious from the lyrics :lol:

but yer, it's sick and just plain dumb :zombie:
I heard a similar story a few years ago of HIV posi's putting needles stuck up on cinema seats with little notes attached to them "congratulations you are now HIV positive" :/ If you were going to see horror movie you got something you didnt bank on there thats for sure.
Pretty positive this is an underground movement by Christian-extremists to promote an anti-gay sentiment.

Exactly what I was thinking!

I can tell you this. My brother is a FLAMING homo, and the AIDS / HIV thing really hits home with him as he has had many friends pass away / have to live fucked up lives due to this.

I just called him and he stated himself this has been going on for quite some time and it is indeed some right wing christian BS to try and get gays / lesbians banned from the world.
I heard a similar story a few years ago of HIV posi's putting needles stuck up on cinema seats with little notes attached to them "congratulations you are now HIV positive" :/ If you were going to see horror movie you got something you didnt bank on there thats for sure.

That one is actually an urban myth as far as I know.
The fact that someone would seriously assume the possibility that this is merely propaganda created by so-called "Christians" for some kind of sinister, selfish purpose, speaks volumes as to how little that person really knows about what Christianity actually is. It sounds far more insane to me to think that "Christians" are behind it, than it does to think that there might be a small gay subculture that is so driven by their lifestyle that they might actually come to believe that HIV/AIDS is just some kind of erotic completion of it.
As sick as it is, the actuality of "gift giving" seems entirely plausible to me. You have people who thrive on the thrill of raping and killing other people without remorse, which has been a sad fact throughout human history, and this "gift giving" seems to be an extension of that. Perpetrators probably feel as if they're not as evil and ruthless as someone who might smother and dismember their rape victim after the act, but they're actions are no less severe.

I'm sure it's a fringe group that is into it, and there are surely some extremist Christians that use this subject to further their anti-gay viewpoints, but it's definitely not as black and white as being a "gay thing", or on the other extreme, a farce spun by Christians. There are surely hetero "gift givers" out there as well.

I wonder also, if theres a weird offshoot of the biological paternal instinct at work among those who may be less educated about the gravity of the aids epidemic. For instance, part of the thrill of hetero sex without a condom is the thought of knocking your girl up. While it's normally not something you want to do every time you have sex, in the heat of the moment theres a certain underlying biological desire to actually procreate. Everything about sex- from a girls desire to look attractive, to a guy's desire to impress a girl- all comes down to procreation, so it's understandable that theres a thrill involved in the thought of actually going through with it as opposed to "practicing" as a couple does during safe sex. Gay people are denied this aspect because they know that no matter what they do they will never get their partner pregnant or get pregnant themselves. In a few of those posts they reffer to gift giving as "knocking up". Perhap's this is a weird perversion of the act of actually impregnating a girl, transposed into a homosexual situation.

Sorry for getting all Frued and shit, just throwing something out there. No matter what their motives are though, it's no more justifiable than raping and dismembering someone.

Oh, and what happened to the "n" in damn? Did I miss something?
We are not pointing the finger at every day run of the mill Christians. We are pointing to the right wing christian extremists. Are you denying they exist? That's just ignorance

There are extremists in every religious sect, weather it be Christians, Mormons, Catholics, or Muslims.

To deny that is to pretty much deny existence as a whole