What the FUCK?

No, I am not denying that there are "Christian" extremists, but the behavior of such people is so intensely un-Christlike, that it should be clearly unreasonable to even allow them the title of being "Christian". From an outside perspective, it may be convenient to allow the title to anyone who claims to be a Christ-follower, but I would assert that the better measure of someone's alleged Christianity is whether or not they continually, humbly strive to follow the model for living and community set forth by Christ.

And to be clear, maybe you personally were pointing to the extremist "Christians" (so I did not mean to be directly accusatory), but based on a lot of the opinions I've read on these boards in the past, there are certainly others here who choose to characterize all of Christianity as scandalous, conspiratory, and contemptible, rather than reacting to strong contrary evidence found in many Christians' words, actions, and direct impact on people and society.

And Greg- really intelligent and insightful post; I enjoyed reading it.
As I explained to Aaron on facebook, the main reasoning behind my post about Christian-extremists was almost just desperation for a more 'sane' answer than people actually wanting to get AIDS. As he pointed out, actually believing that there's some kind of Christian movement that's dedicated itself to become an underground subculture of AIDS seeking gay dudes in an effort to give gays a bad name is probably more insane than wanting AIDS in the first place.

The only people dumb enough to do that would be WBC type churches, and they definitely are not smart enough for that kind of subterfuge.
I also think the language is a dead giveaway, WBC types wouldn't be able to pull off that sort of language, it would be extremely obvious.
I'm going to find me the Devil and toss him into a shit load of pigs so they all die! While I'm at it, I'm going to kill a tree for the hell of it, if the season calls for it. Later on I'll condemn entire cities to hell. Should be fun.
@Uladyne: Great post!

@Aaron Smith: I already said I didn't think they're the responsible of this but Ultra-catholics are much worse/dangerous.

As sick as that gift thing is, I don't give a flying shit about them dying if they want to but on the society money side. Certain religious organisations deliberately lie about the effectiveness of condoms, promote not to use them, and are a serious obstacle to preventing the spread of HIV. We are talking about behaviour that borders on a crime againt humanity. Just how do we describe the policy of the Catholic Church is that respect, and still be nice to them?