What the FUCK?

I'm pro euthanasia but this is sick. I was gonna say if they want to catch HIV, go let them do it but sadly, it's misinformation and the feeling of guilty what causes that and the result is a lot of money from society spent to pay for the meds they're going to need from now on.

The only way to avoid that shit is (as usual) Education, Information and Knowledge.
They're obviously angry with themselves, mainly those ones who fell the need to give aids to the ones who haven't... even just calling them "NEGS" and/or "I came in that NEGs ASS", is literally showing off his hatred upon himself and I really hope he dies very very slowly and painfullly.

But that bit a bout emptyiing random peoples /dads condoms on them what the actual fuck
Pretty positive this is an underground movement by Christian-extremists to promote an anti-gay sentiment.

Sadly, that is a far more appealing truth to the situation than the former. I certainly hope it is some extreme Christian anti-gay campaign and there are not homos running around trying to get AIDs. If it's the latter, well I mean... just another day at the office for Christians, if the former, human beings have gone to an all new low on this one.
I googled one of those texts and it seems that it's legit, but taken out of context as most of the other people on the forum are against it...


PS: Not the Paul Morris that was the keyboard player for Rainbow, but this guy.

Also urban dictionary describes bug chaser pretty spot on: "One who is deliberately having unprotected anal sex in order to be infected with HIV, particularly if his lover has it. This is done to show true love and devotion in the gay union or to commiserate (share the pain of HIV) with his lover."
The most fucked up thing there was that guy saying he wanted to give aids to his son as well... wtf? And seriously, how do these people find that being shot with other men's blood and trying to get hiv is hot? I wouldnt find hot if I was screwing a positive girl.... jesus... Fucking bunch of inbred freaks
Absolutely fucked! If I was that Asian guy and that actually happened, I'd not rest until I had hunt the guy down and killed the cunt.

As fucked up as it is, anyone hanging around hampstead heath at night should expect that to happen, it is very well known about.
Pretty positive this is an underground movement by Christian-extremists to promote an anti-gay sentiment.

Well, belive me when I say that I've considered this idea, too. But, who knows, there are lots of nuts out there. Some people talking in that report don't seem to be actors.

Also urban dictionary describes bug chaser pretty spot on: "One who is deliberately having unprotected anal sex in order to be infected with HIV, particularly if his lover has it. This is done to show true love and devotion in the gay union or to commiserate (share the pain of HIV) with his lover."

Plus maybe there are some people who would rather fuck without protection than taking the risk to be infected.

I didn't get that about the guy, HIV aand his son. WHY would anybody want such thing? So fucked up!
Knowingly "Giving" HIV = murder = death sentence (in my personal law codex) and many years in prison in most countries.

I agree. Not for the retards who WANT this disease, but for those who force it on others (like the son, or the asian guy who was raped), this should be treated as a murder case, IMO.

Pretty positive this is an underground movement by Christian-extremists to promote an anti-gay sentiment.

Unfortunately, I don't think it is.
It's a real shame AIDs doesn't take effect quick enough for natural selection to remove these people from the gene pool before they reproduce.