What was the first Symphony X song that you heard?

Edge of Forever....heard it at a friends house and the next time i was over at his house i stole Damnation Game off him :) but i gave it back eventually. Before the days of having a credit card/net i used to order cds from a cd shop (which would charge high import prices-but never ask for a deposit) and i'd never pick them up.....2 months later the cd would be in the sales bin at half price...and Tali cleans up :) The shop never picked up on what i was doing...or if they did they never said anything...Thats how i got Damnation Game and DWOT.
I heard a few songs from The Odyssey at first. My first official "favorite" song was Wicked. But then I realized that most of the album is better than it!
The Odyssey, and at first I didn't like it as I only listened to the introduction but very soon I began to appreciate it.
Either The Eyes of Medusa or Of Sins and Shadows, I guess.

BTW Sins and Shadows is in my opinion one of the best songs ever written, in my top 5 without a doubt. Remarquable.
Oh, heck if I know. The first song I can *remember* is "Absinthe and Rue," but whatwith the ytseradio folks back in the day, I'm sure I heard others before that.
It must've been Out Of The Ashes. Our guitarist was mad about SX when Divine Wings came out and wanted us to cover this song. It started my obsession also :)
Fallen, downloaded using WinMX sharing software. After that, I bought every SymphonyX album, so please don't tell that mp3 is dangerous for music :loco:

King Of Terrors was my introduction and it was like nothing Id ever heard before and I was hooked.. little did I know at the time just how amazing the rest of it would be!