Queer Old Man
well, pretty standar here. I'd go steal some cool stuff (being sure not to break things of course... Making things unusable for ANYONE is retarded, much why i am not a fan of destruction) Me, being the perv i am would prolly stalk some hot girls for a while and watch them do stuff
But once that got boring i would want to be able to snap out of it... Imagine never having anyone to hang out with and stuff, and never having a REAL gilfriend because she can't see you... that would suck ass. If there was a way to snap in and out of it that would be sweet though. I would prolly fuck with people too for the hell of it (but not so much to make them go crazy... just a misplaced object here and there... DON'T YA HATE THAT WHEN YOU SWEAR YOU PUT SOMETHING SOMEWHERE AND IT's NOT THERE?!?!? GAHHHHH!!! I fuckin hate that!