What Would You Do?

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
OK, let's say you sold your house and have to move out September 28th. Let's say you will have quite a large sum of money with which to do whatever you want.
Let's say you have a degree and a license that pretty much guarantees you a well-paying job anywhere in the US.
Let's say you have a 2 year old son and your wife wants to have some fun before he is school age.

Where do you go?

But, let's also say you're old and boring and don't really want to do anything adventurous anymore but just want to buy a big house on a big lot somewhere in the midwest and play soccer with your buds.

What do you do?
The wife spoke of moving to Portland. I started a thread about it awhile back. Portland's about twice as expensive as here. Is it hot there? If not, then I'm getting some airline tickets right now. Fuck this southern heat. 95 degrees. September. Fuck.
i dont think i could leave the beauty of the west coast (im talkin north of LA here), but since you're from the south and dont have that same very expensive attachment, id say go for the big house with the big yard in the widwest and play soccer with your buds and your kids.
Move coastal. Spend the next year renting while house prices plummet at least 40%. Buy then. Be happy with twice the house and half the mortgage as your neighbour who sold his boat, his wife's yellow H2, his eldest daughter along with her unborn first, and his soul just to not get foreclosed on in Q2 2007.

hahaha just kidding, that dude never had a soul.
hahaha so many crazy loans around here. these lenders had to know this would happen, right? did they just not give a shit? what happens when half the people all the sudden cant afford their payments, wont that seriously fuck up the whole market?