What would've happened to black metal if not for the church burnings and crimes?

Who cares?

I'll never understand how some people seem to think that if you buy an artist's music that you are thereby reaffirming their personal beliefs or agendas. It doesn't mean you like or agree with the person(s) who made it, it just means you like the record they made.

Loads of great artists are total bastards and if you are going to be all fussy about what they have done during their lives then you're going to be missing out on a lot of good music.
Who cares?

I'll never understand how some people seem to think that if you buy an artist's music that you are thereby reaffirming their personal beliefs or agendas. It doesn't mean you like or agree with the person(s) who made it, it just means you like the record they made.

Loads of great artists are total bastards and if you are going to be all fussy about what they have done during their lives then you're going to be missing out on a lot of good music.

I told my parents that, but they seem to think my listening to black metal will turn me into a Satanist. Of course, they also think that about me reading the Satanic Bible will have the same effect. Go figure, eh? :rolleyes:
^I've had very similar things like this happen to me but I'll stay on topic. Who cares what the person's like? As long as the music's good I'm listening.
Back when the Norwegian wave hit the States few I knew seemed to make a whole lot of all the hype one way or the other. I remember reading the infamous Kerrang piece thinking, "Shit, this is way over the top...cool." And I remembered the band Mayhem from an old demo review (in Metal Forces I think) back when they released "Pure F-ing Armageddon" which was panned utterly if I recall correctly. But their picture always stayed with me - it was like one shown in Lords of Chaos - pre-paint, with hair in the face, looking all grim, leathered-up and wicked...except the short-haired blond guy facing the fucking wall:lol: )

But most Death Metal heads back then(myself among them to a degree) were pretty sceptical when the earliest Darkthrone, Burzum, Emperor, Immortal, etc. hit the US, not because of the deaths or burnt churches one way or the other, but because the aesthetic and often stunningly underproduced sound wasn't exactly received as the musical revelation many see it as now. But for a few of us, the undeniable fact that something fairly unique and interesting was going on was too much to resist - this was around '91-92' or so I guess. But I don't know that the hype really made a big difference - if anything it probably just made some look the other way, if I think about it now...but BM obviously survived anyway.
I told my parents that, but they seem to think my listening to black metal will turn me into a Satanist. Of course, they also think that about me reading the Satanic Bible will have the same effect. Go figure, eh? :rolleyes:

Well, it would worry me if my potential son read the satanic bible.
Well, it would worry me if my potential son read the satanic bible.
you know the Satanic Bible is not Satan believeing or Devil worshippers right? Some Atheists and agnostics read the Satanic Bible and follow Anton LaVey's Satanic philosophy, incidentally I live my life very similar to the philosophy. I could be a member of the Church of Satan or anybody for that matter for 200 $ and a hell of an application process.:)