What's next for Iced Earth?

As long as Schaffer is around it will suck... can someone teach this guy originality? Glorious Burden was the worst album I ever heard... I miss the good old Stormrider days...
5thSeason said:
i dont care what they do for the next album, as long as ripper owens is around it will SUCK.


I won't tell you that you give bad reasons to dislike the new album, but what really hurt ( IMO ) this album is Schaffer's inability to write original riffing and the fact that he has always used the same song patter since the last 4 albums ( verse-chorus-verse-chorus-short, really short solo-chorus-chorus )
Oh my, GoD you sure are hilarious, your originality in coming up with methods of accusing a band's fanbase of homosexuality never ceases to amaze me!

oh wai

p.s. Iced Earth suck :]
Not sure, maybe more homosexuality which is set so high by the band I am surprised they could surpase it. I bet the band and some fans will be having an orgy on the cover and the booklet can be the sex files with each song a chapter.
you guys are all bashing Ripper, but after hearing him and Iced Earth live.. I thought it was amazing. He really seems like he can fit right in with the band extremely well, just give it a chance. He did a lot of the old stuff very well.. except for Melancholy.. thats just a song that I think only Barlow can perform the hell out of. Still it was an incredible show, and Ripper really is a great singer.