what's the contingency plan then

haha 2020 for me has felt a little bit like the year when my life finally started coming together

i mean i'm married (that was 2019 but you know, settling into the fact), i got a new job that i don't hate and that pays a lot better, we're in a very good place economically, i'm currently working from home and i very much don't mind that, we're kinda getting somewhere with the house renovations, my mental state is generally stable, i mean i don't wanna say best year ever but i'm in a good place
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2020 has been crazy for me. I moved in with a girlfriend in March, only to move out 5 months later after a bad breakup. I wont make that mistake again. I am totally good on my own. Just me and my dog and occasionally the kids. I moved back to within a few miles of the kids instead of 45 minutes away.

I remained employed with the airline, and I love my job. Refocused myself on crossfit and getting back into pre-crazy ex g/f shape. Semi seeing a new chick, but taking it at a snail's pace. I like being focused on me.
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2020 is ok, looking to make enough in 2021 to start looking for a house deeper in the mountains, but that may take longer as things are looking atm...

Also I want a golden retriever and three chicken, gotta rethink the yard to build a coop
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Also I want a golden retriever and three chicken, gotta rethink the yard to build a coop
i have dog and four chicken and one rooster

we also have bees now and harvested our first honey a couple months ago

grim black metal rural farming lifestyle forever
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My wife and I finally saved enough to buy a house. As long as everything goes well through the entire process (a load of ridiculous bullshit in the USA) then we’ll be moving in at the very beginning of 2021. It’s properly in the woods with 2 acres of land and more space than we’ll ever need. Can’t wait to flex my farming skills again and explore some new types of agriculture. I’ve been into growing gourmet mushrooms for several years. Very interested in the traditional Japanese method of cultivating shiitakes (inoculating oak logs and harvesting the following year). Should be a good time. I’m considering a few chicken as well.
i LOVE shiitake, my new favorite thing
waiting for the harvest pics once the house is bought
that sounds awesome dudeman

and hey 2 acres is almost exactly how much we have too
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Guess I'm the only one here dumb enough to live in a downtown condominium?

I am jealous of all your lands.

Welcome back Matt!

Believe me, we considered buying a condo after enduring a few months of the insanity that is the 2020 housing market in Connecticut. This is the SEVENTH offer we've made. Every other offer (like I'm talking about 7 different houses here) was above asking price with a nice deposit. We were outbid each time by New Yorkers who were fleeing the city. Absolute shithole 1950's decor nightmare homes are selling for like $280k out here.

My point being: if you want bang for your buck, then a condo or apartment is the way to go. Me? I need to perform dark rituals in my backyard away from the neighbors' prying eyes.
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our house was like $70k

very beautiful 1920's house but time has not been kind to it. it's a fixer-upper to put it lightly. literally everything needs to be re-done. new roof, new windows, new floors on the entire lower floor, new bathroom, new kitchen, etc, etc, etc. and we're trying to restore rather than modernize to some extent, trying to at least preserve and the original look and feel of the house. so instead of buying off-the-shelf factory windows we've hired carpenters to make copies of the originals, etc, etc, look at me i'm a fucking nerd

we've borrowed about $60k more to do all the renovations but all told, it's not that bad

here is the house when we bought it and BELIEVE ME it's a lot worse than it looks

here is the latest picture i have, yes it's still a mess but it's getting better

please feel free to follow our house trials and tribulations at this seldomly updated, mostly by my wife, instagram account https://www.instagram.com/timmerochslaggsten/
Welcome back Matt!

Believe me, we considered buying a condo after enduring a few months of the insanity that is the 2020 housing market in Connecticut. This is the SEVENTH offer we've made. Every other offer (like I'm talking about 7 different houses here) was above asking price with a nice deposit. We were outbid each time by New Yorkers who were fleeing the city. Absolute shithole 1950's decor nightmare homes are selling for like $280k out here.

My point being: if you want bang for your buck, then a condo or apartment is the way to go. Me? I need to perform dark rituals in my backyard away from the neighbors' prying eyes.

Thank you sir, nice to see that you're back as well.

I am surprised to hear the market is so competitive where you are. Here in Toronto it is down for the first time in a decade, but detached homes in the area are still way out of our range at over a million.

I'm living in my soon-to-be-fiancée's condo with her, but I also bought one pre-construction a couple years ago which has been delayed due to the pandemic and seems it will never be ready.

I hear you, dark ritual privacy is a major consideration. One I would definitely factor into any future move.
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Guess I'm the only one here dumb enough to live in a downtown condominium?

I am jealous of all your lands.
I do too.
But I enjoy it, same as going to countryside whenever I can.
It can change tomorrow, but so far living in the city is something I'm used to/enjoy.
It does suck to spend a lock down in an flat though, of course.
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Guess I'm the only one here dumb enough to live in a downtown condominium?

Nah, I'm dumb enough too. Got an appointment next Saturday to see a place just outside of downtown. Right across from the train station, so just a hop, skip, and 10-minute ride to work (whenever I get to go back there in-person). Plus there's a barbecue restaurant on the first floor. Win-win.
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please feel free to follow our house trials and tribulations at this seldomly updated, mostly by my wife, instagram account https://www.instagram.com/timmerochslaggsten/

Awesome, consider yourself "followed". I love this shit. Your house is very nice! I appreciate what you're doing, as the potential is obviously outstanding. I think that a house in similar condition would likely fetch about 100k in my neck of the woods. The market is not HOTT for homes which require a lot of work since everyone is rushing out of the cities ASAP (who could blame them?). These people want something which can be moved into immediately, so they'll deal with the 1950's pink carpets and baby blue paint as long as the roof/septic/windows/furnace are all in good shape....

While I admire your dedication, my wife and I are unable to work from home so I don't think we have enough time for a project on that scale. The place we are attempting to buy is approximately $240k but I think it would easily fetch $300k down the road with some updating and repairs. It's mostly stuff like re-paving the driveway, fixing boards on the back porch, updating the antiquated (but perfectly functioning) heating system, etc. Hopefully it can be done slowly, as we aren't made of money.
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I bought a house for $260k and put about $5k of repairs into it. 6 years later it's now worth $390k because California Math is fucking stupid.
I bought a house for $260k and put about $5k of repairs into it. 6 years later it's now worth $390k because California Math is fucking stupid.

Now that's a solid investment! I'm hoping to be on the right side of that some day, but this market isn't California Style (yet)