Whats the deal with Metalcore?

Well theres a clear sense of both Death metal (blastbeats, roars) and hardcore (breakdowns, hardcore style screams, hardcore sounding distortion) so wouldnt that make it, hmm, metalcore?
The best way to determine if a band is "hardcore" or "metal" is to hear them live. I went to a music festival this summer where 80% of the bands were "hardcore."

That terrible experience gave me the best definition of hardcore possible: Any music that contains no harmony, no rhythm and insturments amplified enough to drown out any possible thing a band's vocalist tries to sing/scream/puke. Such examples would be Hatebreed and Killswitch Engage.

Metalcore seems to be a mixture of this hardcore crap and the metal I'm more accustomed to. (Hence the name.) Metalcore is much more tolerable, a select few of the bands are even worth my attention. Avenged Sevenfold (whom I applaud for abandoning their screamo shit with their last album) would be the best example of this, being that they lean much more towards the metal branch of things.

And another point: Trivium would be a pretty good band if the lead singer's scream wasn't so lame. Yeah! Scream one word with each breath! -Yawn.-
Sexy_Grandpa said:
Well theres a clear sense of both Death metal (blastbeats, roars) and hardcore (breakdowns, hardcore style screams, hardcore sounding distortion) so wouldnt that make it, hmm, metalcore?

They're Grind -.-

And Avenged Sevenfold is nowhere near metal -.-
Armeanic said:
They're heavy guitar-solo driven music. Explain to me how that's nowhere near metal.

Are you serious? They're just scene faggots making shitty music. Listen to "Bat Country" and come back and tell me they're metal. Seriously, how can anyone think they're metal? It baffles me! They're previous album before the current one may have been close to metal, but not even that was. Hardcore is heavy guitar-solo driven music, does that mean it's metal too? The same with Hard Rock.
LadyValerie said:
Hardcore is heavy guitar-solo driven music

I thought hardcore had no solos... but then again, my opinion of which is what may differ from everyone else's here...

Back when I was a teenager, metalcore used to mean bands like Biohazard, Pro-Pain etc. Times they are a-changing...
between the buried and me are becoming more metal on every album theres even that song on the new album that sounds like porcupine tree.. this album alaska is full of all things metal.. this album is pretty sweet.. i dont know why anyone would call it hardcore. you can listen to it on their site http://betweentheburiedandme.com/alaska/
foulwing said:
between the buried and me are becoming more metal on every album theres even that song on the new album that sounds like porcupine tree.. this album alaska is full of all things metal.. this album is pretty sweet.. i dont know why anyone would call it hardcore. you can listen to it on their site http://betweentheburiedandme.com/alaska/

I love that album <3<3<3
Armeanic said:
Hardcore bands don't solo. If they do they're only about 2 seconds long and barely noticeable beside the over-and-over-again beat.

Have you listened to Agnostic Front?
A Reason To Sing said:
I've only been interested in one metalcore type band, Poison The Well. I don't like the stuff. Screamo elements piss the living hell out of me.

I love Poison The Well. Have you heard the new demos? They are pretty much defying the metalcore genre now and doing something unique and dark. Its awesome.
Finally: Others who understand the generic-bullshit concept of metalcore! I thought I was alone, thinking that metalcore fucking blows large elephant chunks! I am truly glad to find this forum. I've been surrounded by morons and emo fags who think they comprehend music while being kicked out of bands because I've been trying to play Behemoth. Inane emo fuck-tards... Everyday I hear: "Holy fuck! What an amazing breakdown!" or "That's a sweet riff!" Fuck, it's the same god-forsaken scale every fucking time. "Oh look, I can play on only 10 different frets, consisting of mostly open!" Metalcore is just sad; I'm going to listen to Symphony X and Nile.