What's the lowest anyone has gotten growlwise?

These hurt like a bitch. I can't say who I sound like when I try (and seem to fail) because I don't listen to enough of these bands, but if you can do them (and BW, you already have my praise damnit), cheers!

There's a fantastic thread on the Bloodbath forum about all of this, btw. Lots of samples too.
Low vocals are easy to do, but a good crisp exhale that will make you shit your pants...that takes work.

And I have to disagree with Barnes voice being ungodly in totm, it just sounds like he is fucking tired after repeated listens; but he definitely has it's shining moments
I run out of air really fast. I dont know what im doing wrong.
I can hit a high King Diamond scream and hold it for 15/20+ seconds.
but I cant growl for more than 2 seconds. im stumped.
jus cant seem to do it lol, i have a deep voice so i guess it would work good, it just feals awkward (envisioning my mom runnin into my room " what the hell are you doin?!!") lol
^I feel the same way in my dorm, I dont want the cops to come for a domestic disturbance when I'm just trying to record growls. :lol:
I have no idea how to growl properly but I'm 14 and I've got a James Earl Jones voice so I could probably growl really low if I learned. I run out of breath really fast when I sing or growl in my normal voice, its probably because my vocal cords are wider and it takes more air. I dunno.

I do know how to scream from my diaphragm properly (I think). I can do high pitched raspy screams that hurt sometimes and don't hurt others.

I have growled before but it hurt my throat like shit. I couldn't sing high at all for a while afterwards.
You should check out Twilight Ophera's The End of Halcyon Age album. It's mostly melodic/somewhat symphonic black metal, but there's still a lot of growling, pretty damn low too.