What's the lowest anyone has gotten growlwise?

Alright, this is a cheap ass recording I just did on my mp3 player (I've been fucking with my desktop trying to make it pretty for Zeph's thread :blush:), this was recorded into an iRiver T30 mp3 player, so the quality will be shit enough. Maybe tomorrow I can record something from my p.a. - as it is though it's pretty late so these were recorded at an average speaking volume.

cheap asss growl.mp3 - 0.15MB

porno gurgle.mp3 - 0.14MB

I gotta record me doing intelligible growls soon, that's the style of growling I'm going for when I start recording death metal again. For now, here's those open your mouth as wide as you can Glen Benton style of growling.

lmao, I like the way you described that
I got a decent mic today, so later (hopefully this week with more spare time), I'm gonna upload something and embarrass myself. :kickass:

btw on uploading, I thought rapidshare might be a good one. its real easy to make a myspace music page too.
I would like too; I need to find a better way to get quality recordings though. Most of my exhaled vocals on any recording come out sounding very distorted on the mp3 player, and I can't plug directly into my comp - unless anyone knows of a good external recorder (which I will undoubtedly buy) - then I'm stuck with shiite quality.

If I can get a hold of this one guy I know...we'll have a doom band on our hands
I can do low Chris Barnes style vocals, though I'm more comfortable in the Corpsegrinder style.

As for the lowest I've heard, that's tricky. I'm assuming natural, right? I need to give that some thought.