What's the worst thing you've ever done

On a kind of related note, how do you all here deal with myspace vermin (ie unattractive chicks looking for a date that send you a message). Usually it was one or two pests a day, but ever since around Valentines day I've been getting flooded (go figure, desperate loser chicks). The thing is, I do respond to most of them, because I don't want to be an asshole. But now I spend way too much of my free time responding to these chicks that fucking suck. Would I be to much of an asshole if I didn't respond to any of them?
On a kind of related note, how do you all here deal with myspace vermin (ie unattractive chicks looking for a date that send you a message). Usually it was one or two pests a day, but ever since around Valentines day I've been getting flooded (go figure, desperate loser chicks). The thing is, I do respond to most of them, because I don't want to be an asshole. But now I spend way too much of my free time responding to these chicks that fucking suck. Would I be to much of an asshole if I didn't respond to any of them?

Do you know any of them in real life? If so, reply to those. The ones you've never met just ignore.
I don't know any of them in real life. They're just random girls. Sometimes they'll only write one line, something retarded like "hi how ru? ur cute." For some reason I feel obligated to respond when someone sends me a message asking a question. Kind of flawed logic.
I haven't skipped a single class since I got to high school. Missed homeroom once or twice by accident (it's only 5 minutes long), but haven't skipped anything since 8th grade. I basically have no reason to skip - nothing better to do, really.
I never saw the appeal of skipping class in highschool. I mean wtf are you going to do?

I skipped AP English a couple times because it was at the end of the day, my most loathed class of the year, and by that time I was so burnt out from the rigors of the school day. I knew some places in the school where I could just chill with my iPod.

Now that I'm in college, I couldn't imagine going back to that 6 or 7 hours of continuous classwork. Then again, I'll be teaching, but at least it will be my favorite class over and over.
I'm sure it's been done.

My english teacher actually did it. We asked were he was and the reception lady said he must have forget about the lesson as he's just left.

He didn't even mention it in the lesson after and he never set any work either.

It was pretty funny :lol:
That happens at our school also. Then they're like "Oh, I've completely forgot about you!" :rolleyes:
I had a weird substitute who wanted everyone to call him by his first name. And every time we had him he would leave 10 minutes in and usually wouldn't come back, or would in about 30 minutes. All he did was walk up and down the hall though.

the only person you're really hurting is yourself.

Exactly, I don't understand how people can skip classes at my school. Theres no place you could really go where no teachers would see you (except a bathroom stall but thats boring as hell).
I think I missed a lesson after I had done the final exam. Apparantly some people did go and watched a video or something and the teacher was upset that not everyone turned up. If I was them I would have said it was a free and gone home, but whatever.

Ahh it was summer and I live on the coast so yeah went to the beach. Hot girls were there.... :)