What's the worst thing you've ever done

nothing much went for a swim in the nice cold sea. Had ice creams. walked back with some girl. mmm it was so boring and normal when I got back. :erk:
I never saw the appeal of skipping class in highschool. I mean wtf are you going to do?

I used to skip class and stay home to read philosophy books and listen to death metal. You know, stuff you don't get to do in high school.
I often skip classes in the morning because I like to sleep in the morning. :cool:
How'd that work out for you?

You're probably expecting me to say it didn't work out too well and that it was detrimental to my future. Well, I graduated and ended up going to college where I'm a straight A student. It didn't really affect me other than preventing me from going to a good college straight out of high school. That's the only bad result. Not really a huge deal to me in hindsight.
Wasn't accusing you or anything, I was actually curious, as you seem to be generally extremely intelligent (and condescending, but that's neither here nor there).

Although I only know one kid (and by know I mean I've spoken with him occasionally) who regularly cuts class. He was recently involved in a drug deal in which he was trying to sell stolen pot. He now has several nasty scars all down his face. Which isn't to say that this is what happens to people who skip class or anything.

Anyhow, skipping class to smoke is one thing. If you have a reason (such as reading or whatever) it's different. The former makes you a dumbass. The latter just makes you absent.
Going to the beach is a valid reason if you've finish the bloody course already.
If you've finished the class then there is no invalid reason. Enough, I say. When finals are over I come in for 20-30 minutes to get my grades, and then it's summer.
Skipping work. Now that would be bad. But it would be fucking stupid, because it would get you fired. So you'd only really be hurting yourself. Doing something to get someone else fired, now THAT would be a horrible thing to do.
^A guy at my old job placed a half smoken joint in this other co-worker's coat pocket. The secretary smelled it and reported him to the boss and he got fired.