What's the worst thing you've ever done

This isn't something that I did, but it's great. Me and seedofvengeance went to high school together and t lunch this stupid bitch that nobody liked was talking about her problems for about 15 minutes. When she finally shut up seed broke the silence with "You know suicide is painless, right?"

This is not nearly as funny in print. You really had to be there.
She cried.
Good times.
This is the most recent event and also represents the end of my public drinking escapades. It started casually at a chicks house a town over. Sippin on brew, token on blunts, and laughing at various porponents of the night. I wasn't looking to get too hammered because I was with my girl and shots always lead to a permantely soft dick. But as soon as she left due to her mom's calling I ditched the brew and the let sweet burn of whiskey flow like a river during a flood down my throat. At this point I'm smoking cigs like candy and everything I say is halirious and everyone is delightfully glowing of beauty. My friend motions to me proclaiming that we should head back to his house in the 30 mins to get some sleep. The was my que to drink as much as possible so I can be a belligerent asshole as soon as we hit the road. I started by walking over to the local crack whore and stealing her bottle of Bacardi Rum and taking it straight to the face. I feel generally queesy and I'm walking around with a boner (I never see the people at this party so I could care less) and a smile. Next I go into the host's laundry room and began to spew all over what looked like either a dirty clothes pile or a pile of recently cleaned clothes. After this I'm feeling quite refreshed and a head into a room to the left where I find three turtles in a tank. I pick up the turtles and begin hiding them around the house. One in a cereal box, another in a bed, and the last the soiled clothes pile. Once this was through I gathered my friends and we were off.
We head to my friend Billy's house, but are into too much of a daze to take the safer shortcuts. So we find ourselves wandering the main streets. At this point I'm out of control and no one was gonna stop me. I began taken out mailboxes one by one, even throwing one through a car window. Then we reach the local church, with ground lights surrounding it. I began to take them out as well, and this was followed by the ever haunting yet inevitable police sirens. We were able to safely make it back to Billys house, but my guilty conscience has been kicking my ass ever since.
Just remembered, a buddy of mine I went to high school with got drunk at a Christmas party and fucked his cousin in the back of a car. He bragged about it.


Can't say I've done too many fucked up things but I've done a few things I regret.

At a party, I made out with my best-friend who was married at the time (we had a strange friendship). In my defense (which isn't a very good one) though, we were both plastered and she came on to me... Luckly her husband never found out. I would have been screwed.

There's other things but most of them aren't that note-worthy.
Hiding turtles is indeed a drunken discipline.

On new year's eve, I broke a bough of a tree here in Prague. It was like.. 8 meters long and I carried it back home through the city centre :lol: Fucking lumberjack.
I usually don't do too freaky stuff when I'm wasted, mostly I just say dumb or jerky things like your mum jokes or heil to people on the streets, not accually thrashing stuff and things like that.
I am an asshole and I don't take any offense to you saying it. I know what I do and how I am and frankly I just don't give a fuck.

So you don't give a fuck about destroying other people's property, which they will then have to pay out of their pocket to replace afterwards? I think that's something you should consider giving a fuck about.