What's the worst thing you've ever done

Speaking of mailboxes, I have friends that used to tackle mailboxes when drunk and randomly jump in bushes.

Isn't this like drunken rule number 1? No?... oh. :(

Hiding turtles though... that's just plain awesome. Well done.

Last time I got drunk me and a mate scaled up a tree and jumped onto the roof of a bank. We then ninja'd across about 6 more shops until we reached the highest point, the super market! Well, we hung around for a bit up there, my mate took a dump, and then we went back down. Good times.

Not exactly the worst thing I've ever done just felt like sharing.
I guess this isn't really detrimental to anyone else, but today we were filling out junior description forms and I kinda realized that I've wasted high school - basically no extracurriculars, work experience, or major accomplishments. Felt bad about that.
I guess this isn't really detrimental to anyone else, but today we were filling out junior description forms and I kinda realized that I've wasted high school - basically no extracurriculars, work experience, or major accomplishments. Felt bad about that.

Meh - as long as you get an internship at some point in college, you should be alright career-wise.
Yeah, I haven't been in any clubs or anything - only baseball. I really need to do Mock Trial next year
You have baseball. All I've done is found the music club at my school...I really don't have all that much going for me. 3.5 GPA, weighted. High SATs (I hope - waiting to get them back). Hopefully good recommendations. But colleges really want shit like baseball, dance, swim, crew, debate team, etc. Which is stupid as it doesn't really reflect your capacity for learning. And I don't have any. But whatever. Anyhow, my profile really isn't all that great. I need to write a really good essay. I need to stop thinking about this. /rant.
Go to UMass Lowell tbh. It is a good school as far as state colleges go and has pretty easy standards. Plus you don't need any real extracurriculars; I didn't have any anyway...
I didn't have any extracurriculars, which is most likely why I didn't get accepted to the few Ivy Leagues I applied to (based on the fact that a few people I know with similar grades (some higher, most lower) who had extracurriculars did get accepted). Though they were also minorities, so who knows. But yeah, if you want Ivy Leagues, you need extracurricular activities, but not if you just want to go to a state university or something.
Go here:

My grandparents' last (and mom's maiden) name is Xavier, so they have ordered that place's banners and shit to hang up even though no one we know has gone there :lol: