What's the worst thing you've ever done

well, UMASS Amherst, but w/e. I get free tuition to Amherst cuz my dad works at a state university..

UML is better and UMA is an annoying gay party school where everyone I hated from high school went for the most part. I go to UML and highly recommend it as a nice cheap and close option with quite competent professors from what I have seen so far.
That has nothing to do with what he wants. I can do that quite easily without giving a fuck about what he's looking for.
I am looking to a good school that is within a city offers a interesting group of students that are artistic(to form bands) and offers a pretty fucking heavy party scene but still is a good school.
Most people in this country enter college right after they finish their fourth (and final) year of high school, which is around age 18. Then most of them are in college for four years working towards a Bachelor's degree. After that, most go straight into employment (based on their degree) and/or enter graduate school to work toward's Master's degrees and then doctorates.
All I did in highschool for extracurriculars was junior basketball. In uni I have been even worse, all I have done officially is join the 'metal club' and even that I hardly participate in.
I started the metal club at my school. I had the foresight to call it the Music Club, though, so I get to put it on my college app
My sister went to UMass Amherst. I should warn you that it's a major party school.
Not really considering it, my mom just wants me to apply because I get free tuition. She doesn't want me to go there (I think she might disown me if I did...kinda stupid, tbh.)
What kind of atmosphere do you want for your college experience WeAreInFlames?
Medium or larger college preferably, not a huge deal. Definitely want an urban area. Hopefully somewhere pretty chill. I don't want a party school ruled by frat boys, but I don't want somewhere where everyone's uptight.
Who gives a fuck what he wants?
I does.
So what´s the age for collage?
18, usually. But I plan on deferring after I apply.