What's the worst thing you've ever done

You have baseball. All I've done is found the music club at my school...I really don't have all that much going for me. 3.5 GPA, weighted. High SATs (I hope - waiting to get them back). Hopefully good recommendations. But colleges really want shit like baseball, dance, swim, crew, debate team, etc. Which is stupid as it doesn't really reflect your capacity for learning. And I don't have any. But whatever. Anyhow, my profile really isn't all that great. I need to write a really good essay. I need to stop thinking about this. /rant.
Unless you are a super annoying overachiever you should be fine. Also go to University of Toronto. I got in without extra-curriculars and didn't even have to write an essay. It's also cheaper than anything but state schools.
You have baseball. All I've done is found the music club at my school...I really don't have all that much going for me. 3.5 GPA, weighted. High SATs (I hope - waiting to get them back). Hopefully good recommendations. But colleges really want shit like baseball, dance, swim, crew, debate team, etc. Which is stupid as it doesn't really reflect your capacity for learning. And I don't have any. But whatever. Anyhow, my profile really isn't all that great. I need to write a really good essay. I need to stop thinking about this. /rant.

UMaine ist kvlt. 14K for out-of-staters. Not bad for one of the best state schools in the country. It's also likely you'll get into the Honors College, here, which will look good on your resume post-graduation. I'm not sure how much they care about extra-curriculars, but I got in easily with just Latin Club and the Wrestling team under my belt. Your grades alone should be sufficient.
I didn't have any extracurriculars, which is most likely why I didn't get accepted to the few Ivy Leagues I applied to (based on the fact that a few people I know with similar grades (some higher, most lower) who had extracurriculars did get accepted). Though they were also minorities, so who knows. But yeah, if you want Ivy Leagues, you need extracurricular activities, but not if you just want to go to a state university or something.

Go to UMass Lowell tbh. It is a good school as far as state colleges go and has pretty easy standards. Plus you don't need any real extracurriculars; I didn't have any anyway...

I am looking into NYU.

Unless you are a super annoying overachiever you should be fine. Also go to University of Toronto. I got in without extra-curriculars and didn't even have to write an essay. It's also cheaper than anything but state schools.

UMaine ist kvlt. 14K for out-of-staters. Not bad for one of the best state schools in the country. It's also likely you'll get into the Honors College, here, which will look good on your resume post-graduation. I'm not sure how much they care about extra-curriculars, but I got in easily with just Latin Club and the Wrestling team under my belt. Your grades alone should be sufficient.

I am actually looking into all of these schools...well, UMASS Amherst, but w/e. I get free tuition to Amherst cuz my dad works at a state university.

NYU is a good school, if you like living with roaches.
I was actually considering University of Toronto - I hear they give good scholarships and like American students...
I've also been considering the University of Washington in Seattle.
I go to a state university. I had a weighted GPA of 3.2 and a decent SAT score, but definitely not a great one. Also, I had nothing but one semester of journalism as far as extracurriculars go. It's not too hard to get into college tbh.
I did:

High school:
Academic team for one year
Lacrosse for two years
Foreign Film Club for one year
Boy Scouts forever (Eagle Scout looks damn good on a resume)


College Republicans for one year and then nothing after that
I am actually looking into all of these schools...well, UMASS Amherst, but w/e. I get free tuition to Amherst cuz my dad works at a state university.

NYU is a good school, if you like living with roaches.
I was actually considering University of Toronto - I hear they give good scholarships and like American students...
I've also been considering the University of Washington in Seattle.

My sister went to UMass Amherst. I should warn you that it's a major party school.
America sucks.

You can get it for a football scholarship.

That's not a fucking proof of learning ability.

Yes, because trying to find several ways to get kids into an institution of higher learning is stupid.

Not to mention the incredible amount of money that football generates for a university can greatly contribute to the facilities and quality of life at the college.
All I did in highschool for extracurriculars was junior basketball. In uni I have been even worse, all I have done officially is join the 'metal club' and even that I hardly participate in.