What's the worst thing you've ever done

I once tried to stab a mate when I was incredibly intoxicated. Obviously, I failed. I don't think I was seriously trying to kill him either, but I can't really remember. What can I say, he really got on my nerves when I was drunk.

I then kicked the shit out of said mate's car (also when highly intoxicated) and broke off both wing mirrors before assuring him it was 'probably' just some teenage heathens. We are no longer friends. ;)

Stupid violent drunks.

I don't have anything good to contribute to this thread, really. I'm a pretty straight-laced guy, and I usually don't have to balls to do anything sketchy.

One time I got sent to the office in elementary school for peeing in the woods near the playground. The principal let me off on the condition that I take a letter home to my parents saying what I did, get them to sign it, and bring it back to him. I got my mom to sign it while it was folded over, so that the only part of the page that was visible was the part she needed to sign. She asked me what she was signing, but I told her it was a secret. I think she still doesn't know about it to this day.

Oh, and I used to do a lot of urban exploration with some friends a few years back. I guess that's the best I've got, since it's trespassing and/or breaking & entering.

I was once pissed at a Jewish friend of mine (he was being a real asshole), and told him they should have gotten his family (druing WWII hehe).

:lol: I have a friend who makes cracks at me all the time for my Jewish heritage, but it's always in a joking way, and not meant as a real insult.
I once fell off my bike and cut my arm. Having nothing to bandage or clean the wound, I used a dollar bill to clean up the blood. I tried spending it later that day, but the clerk wouldn't take my bloody dollar.

That's a pretty good way to catch an infection. Paper money is fucking filthy.
Once a woman contacted me online, and gave me her number three times, and I never called. A half year later, I started working at the job I am at now, and noticed that she works there. I basically looked right past her and ignored her when I saw her. She was upset.

But she tried to get me back. She contacted me again then, and stopped responding to my emails. Now we are even and ok with each other, and say hi when we walk by each other.
Throwing a rock at a train is pretty bad. The worst is people who drop rocks (or other things) off of overpases onto the highway/road. People have died or been disfigured for life from people doing that. Anyone who drops stuff from overpasses deserves to have the living shit beaten out of them.
I agree.

It's ok to throw snow squares or break glass and have people run over it.
I have done many evil things to other people... And I'm neither proud, nor ashamed about it. They're facts, that's enough. And I can't list them all.
Throwing a rock at a train is pretty bad. The worst is people who drop rocks (or other things) off of overpases onto the highway/road. People have died or been disfigured for life from people doing that. Anyone who drops stuff from overpasses deserves to have the living shit beaten out of them.

Yeah. It happened here in the Netherlands last year, a bunch of lowlifes thought it was 'funny' to throw a piece of a broken street tile off a highway overpass. It crashed through the windshield of car and hit the woman who was driving it in the head, killing her instantly.

What's even worse is that after this was widely reported on the news suddenly all throughout the country incidents like this started to pop up (luckily none with fatal consequences as far as I can remember). So apparently there are people who even after being shown what the consequence of an action like this might be still thought it would be a fun thing to try. People like that just need to be removed from the fucking gene pool entirely.