What's the worst thing you've ever done

Yea. I remember reading about some old guy in the middle of Europe who died when one of those was tipped over.

Lame to tip one.
Yea. I remember reading about some old guy in the middle of Europe who died when one of those was tipped over.

Lame to tip one.
What a horrible way to die.:erk: Doing mean things to people is one thing. But doing things that could potentially kill someone (tipping over outhouses, dropping things from overpasses) is completely unacceptable.
In first grade me and my friend raided some kid's lunchbox and stole and apple while he wasn't looking. We proceeded to smash it on the ground and flee the crime scene. At the end of the day, they actually announced on the intercom that a poor kid's snack apple was destroyed and whoever did it should be ashamed.

it was awesome :lol:
What a horrible way to die.:erk: Doing mean things to people is one thing. But doing things that could potentially kill someone (tipping over outhouses, dropping things from overpasses) is completely unacceptable.

I'll make sure I add "tipping over outhouses" to the list on my fridge of things not to do because they could potentially kill someone.
What a horrible way to die.:erk: Doing mean things to people is one thing. But doing things that could potentially kill someone (tipping over outhouses, dropping things from overpasses) is completely unacceptable.

I agree.

In first grade me and my friend raided some kid's lunchbox and stole and apple while he wasn't looking. We proceeded to smash it on the ground and flee the crime scene. At the end of the day, they actually announced on the intercom that a poor kid's snack apple was destroyed and whoever did it should be ashamed.

it was awesome :lol:

:D I laughed my ass off at that.
One time when I was at school I was watching the girls bathroom door knowing some girls were changing in there for some play, then the door opened.....

I lie sometimes (mostly by accident)

Threw rocks at kids

Angerrrrr at peeeopleeees

Saw both my parents in the nude

I was the most troublesome student at my school.

I cheated on one of the most beautiful girls in the world and I feel freakin horrible about it.

I also did a few other things but errr no way I'd tell anyone what I did :D

The same pattern happened in my country a couple years ago. Only instead of highway dropping, it was church burnings. But they were Baptist/Evangelical churches, so I wasn't offended.

I've been going to a Baptist church for the last 5 months or so, nothing seems to be wrong there.
Hmm.. After our prom me and some friends stole about 80 beers from this party and proceded to drink them all. We then dismantled this guys wall and put the bricks all over his car. To be fair he was a complete cock and apparently raped one of the girls in our year so fuck him.

On a snowboarding trip in Italy me and a friend bought some 75% spirit and drank loads of it getting us pretty drunk.. my friend punched a hole in the door to a room some chavs were staying in and then I kinda accidently kicked the door down, taking the frame off also. The people staying in the room were, again, complete wankers so the fact they ended up paying £100 each doesn't really matter.

Back in primary school me and my mate messed around a bit (flooded and entire floor / set off fire alarm few times / flicked the fuses to all the offices etc) but we were like 12 or smt, so that's fine.

Only thing I can think of that I really regret is falling out with a friend who I now haven't talked to in 2 years.
If there were someone in it, it would have been a horrible thing to do. Not only would the poor person be convered in days worth of other peoples' shit and piss:puke: but he/she could have very well been seriously injured..
No one was in there. My friend made sure. It was at school during the summer.
OK I don't think I've done anything properly evil. If I'm honest I think just going with the bully type people at school and whatever they say/do is a bit too cowardly and pathetic to be like Ohh woa dude as if you did that but whatever.

I have a relative that always goes into a really pathetic voice that's really obviously just an act if she's saying anything sad, it's like someone was talking to a tiny child about something sad. Anyway I find it hard not to laugh even when she's telling me about the sadest things.

I said evil evil shit to some girl I really fancied so she'd go away, stop being bitchy and trying to make me feel embarrassed. Not that bad really but she took it REALLY seriously. She tried to get various people to 'sort me out' but no one cared enough thankfully.

I used to go on 'stealth missions' when I was quite young with some friends.
Friends and I use to find expensive Suv's with canadian plates and we would tear off the side mirror throwing it through the back window from around 10,15 feet away.

Me and friends use to break windows in abandon houses.

Me and a friend broke windows at a flower store once during hell night

Throw rocks and tree brances at cars and have cops on us and people for awile.

Destroy golf courses and windows while heavily intoxicated

Drop food and ice balls on old people from the Hilton about 40 feet up.
I was accused of being a conspirator in a plot to burn down my first school. While the accusation was not false, I still hold that my role was minor in comparison to some of my friends. Unfortunately, democracy won over and I was punished to the same degree. They even phoned my parents. ;(

When I was like 5 I used to steal my sister's dolls and using my own action figures I would create pornographic scenarios. God knows how I knew all the shit I did then.
The worst thing i've actually done was when house sitting for a rich older female during the winter. I drank all her liquor and a 5000 thousand dollar bottle of champagne her dad gave her and felt really bad after having no idea. Luckily she only charged me for the liquor and had to pay her 350 dollars. I also drove her daughters car while heavily intoxicated. I drink a lot and her and my mother almost forced me into rehab a few months ago and was almost kicked out of this apartment.
I know all these things i've done were incredibly stupid and do not do it anymore. I just want to point that out!
Once, when a few friends and I were extremely drunk, we kicked over a newly erected gravestone in the local cemetary. And burnt the flowers. That was fucking bad.

I broke my brothers nose once. He'd been pissing me off for a week beforehand, and he used to beat me up (3 years older than me). So, I tripped him up and slammed his fucking face into the wall. He hasn't touched me since, so I consider it worth it.

My brother is also a huge warhammer nerd. I collect warhammer too, but what he doesn't understand is that I don't like to talk about it ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Anyway... about a year ago he bought an emperor's champion, and spent days converting and painting it with a flowing cloak, glowing sword and scenic base. Then, every time I was in the same room as me, he would brag about it. And the rules for it. For days. And days. I pointed out this was incredibly boring and sad, and I really didn't give a flying fuck, but he wouldn't desist. Anyway, he left the house for a day, and I took the model and I painted on the cloak: DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Then I took modelling putty and converted the sword into a dildo, which I then painted bright pink.
Boy, was he pissed off.

Other than that... not much. A few practical jokes (like changing my bros boot settings so his hard drive wouldn't load), and exploiting drunk people, but thats just normal.

I know it sounds like I give my brother a lot of shit, but he is easily the most boring person on the face of the planet. He eats like a pig, washes about once a week, is too lazy to shave and can't talk without shouting and spraying spit everywhere. And he mumbles to himself while doing anything. He used to bully me, too, and punch me when he'd had a bad day at school.
He was one of the reasons I went to boarding school. The other was both me and my dad are alpha males, and he can't accept that I won't do whatever I tell him, and that I don't want to end up in a 9 til 5 like him, but do something I enjoy with my life.

This has been a great way to let off steam at other peoples expense. You must be really fucking bored by now.
an artistic impression for your enjoyment
