What's the worst thing you've ever done

well the reason I said that is because I've been cheated on numerous times by most of the girls I dated, for reasons I'm not so sure of.
I can think of a few reasons, if you're having trouble figuring it out.

Worst stuff I've done...
Well, I got in a fistfight with a friend once. It was kinda my fault, but we've made up and we're still friends. We agree that he was being a real asshole, though...

In eight grade (so I was 13) my friend and I would often skip our gym and drama classes and hang out in the escape stairwell (really fucking boring but it was cool to us because we were skipping class). So there were some girls that were total bitches (and still are). Long story short, we threw some of their textbooks and homework and stuff out of the window of the escape stairwell and onto the roof of the gym, where it was never found and rotted. It was incredibly stupid, and though we were never caught I've always felt like a total asshole about it.

All I can think of. I don't get drunk or do stupid things most of the time.
I dont think ive really ever done anything all that bad to anyone else, just a few small things when i was younger,

Family got togethor at my grandmas house, told my little cousin to go flip off the family.

shot at cars with an airsoft gun.

shot out neighbors window with a bb gun.

told a little kid i knew to go drop a big rock on some old ladys yard ornament.
One time I was mean to a female cousin of mine. We were just little kids and we were playing with clay or something, and I made this thing and put a toothpick in it vertically. Then I said something like, "You better not smash this thing". She did. I don't remember how bad she got hurt or anything. It may not have been a big deal, but I still feel bad.


I did something similar to that.

When I was 8 or 9 I would have to stay at this ladies day care (with a bunch of small children) and one of them was trying to karate chop my hand. He kept hitting it really hard. So when he tried I decided to move my hand and he hit it really hard against the table.
Ive never done anything that bad i dont think...But heres the best of what i can remember!

A guy was (trying to) bully me, but he had meningitis, so i took the piss out of the funny glasses he had to wear. He cried, and never insulted me again...So i guess that worked! I dont really feel bad about it lol.

My best mates girlfriend and I used to have a bit of a crush thing going on. Nothing ever happened, but I still feel bad for *wanting* it to. He kinda knew that we both liked eachother (after my mate and his gf broke up) and im pretty sure he wasnt very happy about it.
When I was younger I used to insult the shit out of random people I would see at the pool (and other places) that I didn't know. Really pissing them off. And making them cry too.

I remember there was this goth smoking something (it had to be weed or meth because it smelled nothing like tobacco). I was in third grade and I was saying don't do drugs and shit and imitating a high person. He could've beat the shit out of me. But I walked off for about 20 feet and when I turned around he was gone. It was all stupid.

There was this girl who annoyed me who lived in the neighborhood over from mine, one time when she was riding her bike and I jammed a stick into the wheel.

One time in the winter my brother peed in the snow, and so he made a snowball and threw it at this kid who usually annoyed me in the winter. And he missed. So I picked it up, tackled the kid and made him eat it. The funny part was he didn't really mind.
You've reminded me of something actually fairly psycho I did when I was really young, like 6 or something. In primary school we were making something, you know with card and glue etc, anyway I wanted to use the stickytape but the big fat [later to become] school bully type wouldn't give me it and kept taking the mickey over it. Out of the corner of my eye I think I was aware of a teacher being there and ignoring it. That always sent me bezerk, anyway I took the scissors and grabbed at the tape he was using and he shouted and put his hand in front so I cut his very very finger end :Puke:

I think I may have actually taken the absolute tip off of it anyway I remember a huge fuss being made.
When I was younger I used to insult the shit out of random people I would see at the pool (and other places) that I didn't know. Really pissing them off. And making them cry too.

I remember there was this goth smoking something (it had to be weed or meth because it smelled nothing like tobacco). I was in third grade and I was saying don't do drugs and shit and imitating a high person. He could've beat the shit out of me. But I walked off for about 20 feet and when I turned around he was gone. It was all stupid.

There was this girl who annoyed me who lived in the neighborhood over from mine, one time when she was riding her bike and I jammed a stick into the wheel.

One time in the winter my brother peed in the snow, and so he made a snowball and threw it at this kid who usually annoyed me in the winter. And he missed. So I picked it up, tackled the kid and made him eat it. The funny part was he didn't really mind.

Wow, you sound like a genuine shitbawx.
I was until I was about 10. I used to have really bad social skills. Because I have ADHD I used to be really impulsive. It could've been because of the ADHD.
When I was five years old, as an innocent prank, I gathered all my humble strength and tested my dad's resistance to being hit with a metal mug on the head.Needless to say, he did not enjoy it in the least. He says that he can still feel the pain when he recalls that incident.
It is. I was diagnosed with it. I took meds. They didn't help. I stopped taking the meds. I grew up. Now I'm fine.
ADHD is another word for a kid who's hyper. Anyone who blames their problems on ADHD is an asshole. People can control themselves, if they want to. Some people have a hard time of it; that doesn't give them the right not to try.
You might not have had it and could have just been energetic. ADHD is not another word for someone energetic. Its an attention disorder and there is hyperactivity with it. I have it, I don't blame my problems on it. I'm not sure if the impulsivity was because of my ADHD.
ADHD is a real condition. Its credibility is not helped by the fact that it's seriously overdiagnosed, but anybody who says that it's "bullshit" doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
My point is that not paying attention and being hyperactive is something that someone can overcome. It's not a good excuse, in my book. It's also seriously overdosed, especially since pretty much all little kids are hyperactive little buggers with 2-second attention spans.