I can think of a few reasons, if you're having trouble figuring it out.well the reason I said that is because I've been cheated on numerous times by most of the girls I dated, for reasons I'm not so sure of.
Worst stuff I've done...
Well, I got in a fistfight with a friend once. It was kinda my fault, but we've made up and we're still friends. We agree that he was being a real asshole, though...
In eight grade (so I was 13) my friend and I would often skip our gym and drama classes and hang out in the escape stairwell (really fucking boring but it was cool to us because we were skipping class). So there were some girls that were total bitches (and still are). Long story short, we threw some of their textbooks and homework and stuff out of the window of the escape stairwell and onto the roof of the gym, where it was never found and rotted. It was incredibly stupid, and though we were never caught I've always felt like a total asshole about it.
All I can think of. I don't get drunk or do stupid things most of the time.