What's the worst thing you've ever done

In grade six i noticed a kid drinking from a water fountain about 20 yards away and thinking i probably would'nt hit him anyway i hurled a basketball in his general direction only to see it hit him fair in the back of the head banging his mouth into the water fountain and removed a tooth!!ah those where the days
One time I was mean to a female cousin of mine. We were just little kids and we were playing with clay or something, and I made this thing and put a toothpick in it vertically. Then I said something like, "You better not smash this thing". She did. I don't remember how bad she got hurt or anything. It may not have been a big deal, but I still feel bad.
Doth thou possess a problem with me?

I apologize for the drunken posting... i honestly didn't think it was that big of a deal, but obviously you believe other wise.

Since when did I say it was a big deal? People post stupid shit here all the time. I'm just saying it wasn't funny.
- In my 8th grade, i had a physical fight with my Armenian History teacher, he's such an ass hole, then i was suspended from school for a week.
- 1 month ago, i went to my friend's b-day party, which he organized it at his house, i was very drunk that i pissed on his dad's car on the way going home.
- I have had many fights in school, but one of the brutal one was, when i punched this guy from the noses, and he was severely bleeding, i think he broke his nose, and he was sent to the hospital.
Well, I've done quite a few dumb things, not sure why though.
-Used to get in lots of fights, and hurt random people in school.Dont want to explain that really, there are lots of different ones.
-Grade 2 this kid was making fun of me, so I pushed him on the basketball court, and he fell, and then he got up and hit him down again. apparently the kid got brain damage:erk:, but I dont see how that woluld be possible at all.
Anyways, I've pretty much totally changed and dont do anything stupid anymore
I almost haven't done any too bad things to regret about, tbh. As I'm such an angel :tickled:
It's just that sometimes I'm too mean to people who love me. Not because I hate them, I care of them, but that's just the way I am and sometimes things piss me off way too much :(