What's your all-time top 10 favorite albums?

NineFeetUnderground said:
i dont lack arguments. i just think ive put you in your place enough times to count for everyone here. besides, why would i argue with some guy who insists that someone making a list of great/reputable albums is just doing it because they feel they should. even if they were, theres no possible way in hell YOU could know that without actually seeing what they listen to everyday anyway, so youre mere speculation on the subject (which is obviously to make up for your own musical shortcomings) is hardly evidence or reason enough for you to get on such a junket about what other people like. did you even list your top 10 albums? i dont even remember...your choices had to have been impactive and substantial. :rolleyes:

no i did not put in my 10 favourites :P.. because it´s pointless... and i don´t have hundreds of favourites just to come off like educated.... my favourites are actually the ones that appeal to me most, it´s not that i don´t know of all the artists you mentioned :P And you´ve put me on my place, my opinnions have only gotten stronger to my self when arguing withan idiot like you, you´re not putting me in my place just because affinityband is always there to agree with you? :D
HaloPhenomenon said:
no i did not put in my 10 favourites :P.. because it´s pointless... and i don´t have hundreds of favourites just to come off like educated.... my favourites are actually the ones that appeal to me most, it´s not that i don´t know of all the artists you mentioned :P And you´ve put me on my place, my opinnions have only gotten stronger to my self when arguing withan idiot like you, you´re not putting me in my place just because affinityband is always there to agree with you? :D

i might be arrogant. i might be pretentious. i might be pompous. and i might be a lot of other things. but im certainly not an "idiot". you however seem to be clutching at straws beyond all reason here simply because of your hatred for me, not because youre some sort of crusader of underdog personal musical opinion. i seriously suggest you just stop embarrassing yourself here. lets get back to the thread shall we...
Has anyone seen the remote?

Lessee, top 10 albums eh,,,,,
Uh,,, Just off the top of my head for today only....
Opeth-Still Life
Monk Trane
Eric Dolphy- Out to Lunch
Johnny winter- black S/T
Scott Henderson-Tore Down House
Captain Beyond-Dancing Madly Backwards
Stravinsky-The Right of Spring- London Symphony
Meshuggah- Destroy Erase Improve
Steppenwolf 7
Blue Oyter Cult-The red and the Black.
Ten is way to few. It should be 25.
David Bowie-Ziggy Stardust and Changes
Led Zep- 1 2 3 4 5
Close to the Edge-Yes
Thick as a Brick-Tull
Ted Nugent-the first one with Papa's Will
Frank Zappa- One Size Fits All/Aposterphe/Overnight Sensation

Hell, that's 25, mabey there should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aw fuggit no one reads this shit anyhoo,////
NineFeetUnderground said:
actually shadows, my intent wasnt to strip you of any credit. i know you have good taste, and i was pointing out the similarities that would inevitably be there...but not because you dont have your own brain. chill boy :cool:

k, just making sure
HaloPhenomenon said:
if beatles would have been born around the 90´s they would have instantly been forgotten if even ever recognized... yes they were very experimentive and created what we call "new music"...but the elements of their music has evolved very very much by other artists since them...

But... that doesn't make sense at all.

If the Beatles hadn't existed until the 90's then.... EVERYTHING would be different. Music wouldn't sound like it does. You can't POSSIBLY say what would happen in that instance, because it's completely impossible to envisage a contemporary music scene without The Beatles. The 'evolution' you speak of... evolution can't take place without an initial species, and if the original species is different, the final outcome differs too.

If we are evolved from apes, we look like the humanoids we do today. If music is evolved from The Beatles, it sounds like contemporary music does today. Now... if we had evolved from fish, rather than apes, we would be totally different. So too would music had the Beatles not been there to evolve from.

Rambling now, but it makes sense to me.... too hungover for this shit! :p
HaloPhenomenon said:
if beatles would have been born around the 90´s they would have instantly been forgotten if even ever recognized... yes they were very experimentive and created what we call "new music"...but the elements of their music has evolved very very much by other artists since them...

for someone so vehement in his whining about other people's arguments, you really shouldn't be using a proleptic premise
Liquid Diamonds said:
But... that doesn't make sense at all.

If the Beatles hadn't existed until the 90's then.... EVERYTHING would be different. Music wouldn't sound like it does. You can't POSSIBLY say what would happen in that instance, because it's completely impossible to envisage a contemporary music scene without The Beatles. The 'evolution' you speak of... evolution can't take place without an initial species, and if the original species is different, the final outcome differs too.

If we are evolved from apes, we look like the humanoids we do today. If music is evolved from The Beatles, it sounds like contemporary music does today. Now... if we had evolved from fish, rather than apes, we would be totally different. So too would music had the Beatles not been there to evolve from.

Rambling now, but it makes sense to me.... too hungover for this shit! :p

that is my point, music would be very different now and beatles is the ground to alot, and i said they were creative with experimenting new elements,but it does´nt make them the best band of today... but music has in fact evolved from their time alot... nowadays there´s more to get inspiration and influences from other bands since rock music is a very large scene, and yes beatles were pop, but i like to pretend they are rock :P... in one way you´re right, i cannot talk about "if they were born in the 90´s" since even they would have more to get inspired by and so on... anyway, my point is that even though they were the seed of something great, the seed bloomed into something even greater...but you should think as you like... as for illidurit: i was very clear on my point of view and tried to be fair, i have never whined on peoples arguments, "shit band!!!!" is not an argument... i respect all posts i class as arguments
well importancy in this case has nothing to do with how good music is i think.
it´s difficult to count out bands with a higher importancy than the beatles, but there´s always the african people that a very long time ago invented music, and i don´t think it´s very GOOD music :P...but it´s up to each to decide