What's your favorite BELLADONNA era album?



My favorite Belladonna album is PERSISTENCE OF TIME....w/ ATTACK OF THE KILLER B'S running a close 2nd (mainly cuz it's not ALL of his vox....I know...I know..)

What do y'all think?
Without a doubt! Among the Living! Here is my particular order from favorite to least favorite.

1-Among the Living
2-Persistence of Time
3-Spreading the Disease
4-Armed and Dangerous
5-Fistful of Metal
6-State of Eurphoria
7-I'm the Man
8-Attack of the Killer B's
Damn, ppl like him make it hard for me to keep my word about flaming.................:devil:
I guess comparisons are innevitable, but you can't really compare the two... John is not trying to be Joe, and Anthrax has evolved... If you don't like John, well, too bad for you... there are lot's of other people who like John... And don't tell me Anthrax is not as popular as they used to be because Joe isn't in the band... Last time I checked, both of Joe's solo albums (Belladonna and Spells of Fear) combined have sold a lot less than any Anthrax album released with John Bush...

If you don't like the current Anthrax, well, too bad for you... but it's been more than 10 years since Joe left/was asked to leave. Just let it go, move on, and let us fans of the band enjoy posting here...
I'm pretty amazed but I'm a betting man and I bet shit starts to fly right about..................now!:Spam: "I DON'T LIKE SPAM"-Monnty Python
And I new I would have to edit my message and say "Too late"!
I will say POT. To me it has the more evolved sound of todays Anthrax with the vocals of Belladonna. If that makes any sense. And I am proud so far no flames! Whoo Hoo! I feel the love!
Originally posted by discontinued
I guess comparisons are innevitable, but you can't really compare the two... John is not trying to be Joe, and Anthrax has evolved... If you don't like John, well, too bad for you... there are lot's of other people who like John... And don't tell me Anthrax is not as popular as they used to be because Joe isn't in the band... Last time I checked, both of Joe's solo albums (Belladonna and Spells of Fear) combined have sold a lot less than any Anthrax album released with John Bush...

If you don't like the current Anthrax, well, too bad for you... but it's been more than 10 years since Joe left/was asked to leave. Just let it go, move on, and let us fans of the band enjoy posting here...

hey anthrax is one of my favorite bands and i listen too among or spreding almost once a day, i own almost everything they done (and a bunch of bootlegs) so i´m still a fan, i stood on stage whit anthrax on thrash of the titans (brag) i traveld from sweden just too se that concert, how far wold you travel for a anthrax gig ??????
I always thought Joey sounded like a chick on Amoung.

I would have to go with POT as my favorite from that era. Although on that album it was painfully obvious thay Joey just wasn't cuttin' it anymore....

in scandinavia almost no one listen to the bush albums it´s just the beladona era that counts over here, that´s strange. i thin that pot is the worst belladona album even sond of white is better