Well, I'll have to toss the cover for my CD,
Deep Horizon, as a personal highlight - and in the interest of full public disclosure, I designed it myself. Of course, being a graphic artist by trade, by day - I make it a point to concentrate heavilly on the design and layout elements of my musical releases, and with anyone else I do work for as well. I hope this doesn't come off too self-serving, but I think Deep Horizon actually came out quite good... it's really self-satisfying when one's artistic vision is actualized pretty close to the standards you set, and to the initial inspiration. I think it fits the music, the lyrical themes and the album concept rather well. Peep it here:
I will say there's tons of other great stuff out there... I love the Visual Darkness, Tomas Ewerhart, Travis Smith and Mathias Noren stuff, along with the obligatory shout out to Hugh Syme. For me those guys just totally kick ass and that's the standard I'm trying to hold myself to as well. I think new Zero Hour - Specs, Novembre's Materia, Into Eternity - Ashes and VPlas's Christø stand out to me first and foremost...