spawn said:
they will not take the hard drive out unless they have some other form of media to save data to. Which will mean it basically has a hard drive.
They have already said in a press release that they are looking to use flash cards and have the option of a hard drive. This may change before release though.
spawn said:
Nintendo, Sony and Micorsoft ALL lose money on sales of their consoles (they break about even after a few years due to prices going down to manufacture the concoles), they make it up through the licensing fees that every developer has to pay to release games on the systems. And out of everyone, Microsfot can afford to lose the most. They could give them away for free if they wanted.
Not true. Nintendo make money on GC sales due to their incredibly low costs of production. This is why they chose not to include DVD playback in the GC, to lower costs of production so that when competition became fierce, they could lower the price of the GC and not lose money like the others. Look at the Panasonic Q machine, it is quite possibly the best console ever made, but Nintendo chose not to use that model as the GC, they went with the simpler one, because of lower costs of production.
spawn said:
XBOX is doing really well in Australia, the GC is getting killed EVERYWHERE, even in Japan, it may have some of the best games but its not selling anywhere near the XBOX or PS2. When a great game comes out, the sales go up a bit for the GC, but they dont come out often enough.
The stats I gave before are true, the GC is not doing that well, but it is doing better everywhere else than it is here, and the XBOX is not doing as well anywhere else as here. Australia's market to these companies means nothing.
spawn said:
You said the majority of the good games are available on other systems, which means that the majority of good games are also on XBOX.
This is where you are most wrong. I said majority of the good games on the XBOX are available on all systems. I DIDN'T say majority of good games are available on all systems. The GameCube has the most and best exclusive titles, followed by the PS2, then the XBOX. So, if all the XBOX's good games are available on the GC and the PS2, but all the GC's best games aren't available on the XBOX, which is the better console?
spawn said:
You obviously dont like Microsoft but you cant stick your head in the sand and pretend everything on it is crap.
I don't think everything on it is crap, but majority of the good shit that is on it is also available on other consoles, and also on those consoles is exclusive games that the XBOX doesn't have. There is only a very small handful of exclusive games on the XBOX that I think are worthwhile, and that is not enough to make it a good console. I am not pretending Panzar Dragoon and ToeJam and Earl (both Sega made games I might add), and Halo aren't good games, and I am interested in how Fable turns out, but that isn't enough to make it a good console.
Your right about M$ not caring about losing money though, which really sucks, and just goes to show that all they are in it for is market share. Another interesting thing is that no-one will ever see how much M$ have lost on this whole console venture, as as a whole company they are still making money so we will never see a reported loss.