Whats Ypur Fav. MANOWAR album?

"I'm the proud owner of NO Manowar albums ."

Thank you for the contribution to this thread really invaluable stuff there

"The Gods made HEAVY METAL and they saw that it was GOOD they said to play it louder than HELL we promised that we would"
JonnyD said:
"I'm the proud owner of NO Manowar albums ."

Thank you for the contribution to this thread really invaluable stuff there
Oh, don't take it so hard, Manowar is a good band, but admit it, they're also quite funny :).
"The Gods made HEAVY METAL and they saw that it was GOOD they said to play it louder than HELL we promised that we would"
:lol: That is one hilarious quote!
MadTinus said:
Oh, don't take it so hard, Manowar is a good band, but admit it, they're also quite funny :).:lol: That is one hilarious quote!
I cant help it like I said before I take My Metal very seriously I am not in it for some kind of comedy rotine I BLEED METAL Not that you opion does'nt count everybodys does

"Everyone of us has heard the call Brothers of true Metal Proud and standing tall" :headbang:
Slaughter Of The Soul said:
I don't like Manowar.

Mainstream gay posers....

Maybe I missed a step somewhere, but how would a "gay poser" EVER be considered mainstream? If you're going to make an ass of yourself and post idiotic comments in a thread for a band you clearly don't like, at least have some fucking self-respect for yourself and don't be so fucking dumb. Thanks.

Now, on topic: I'm a sucker for Fighting The World. That's my fave.
markgugs said:
Maybe I missed a step somewhere, but how would a "gay poser" EVER be considered mainstream? If you're going to make an ass of yourself and post idiotic comments in a thread for a band you clearly don't like, at least have some fucking self-respect for yourself and don't be so fucking dumb. Thanks.

That's some great wonderful stuff!! :D

Leake it to markgugs to set 'em "straight"... :saint:

Man, I own every fucking cd and it's a matter of time before I get the new dvd.

I love The Triumph Of Steel, Shankle was a cool guitarist and the drummer on that album was intense! And that first track, all 30 minutes of it.. geez!
First off, I'd like to ask all those childish punks who just post phrases like `Manowar are gay´ to shut up. If you don't like the band, then don't post. Why is it so hard to keep your mouth shut when you're not really interested?
And to answer the topic: it seems that I'm the only one who thinks Triumph Of Steel is their weakest album. In my opinion the band became weaker and weaker in the 90s, starting with TOS. But I love all of their 80s releases. Kings Of Metal is probably their best, but Hail To England gave it a tough fight over the pole position.
Soilent Goat said:
Dude..fuck manowar...it doesn't get anymore queer defining than Manowar.

DUDE How bout you grow up none of us are even remotly interested in your negative remarks If you wanna slam manowar start a slam manowar thread and keep it out of here Dick!!!!!!! :mad:
Soilent Goat said:
Dude..fuck manowar...it doesn't get anymore queer defining than Manowar.

You really don't get it, do you? Apparently, you're a little slow. Perhaps some day I'll draw you a picture in crayon and scan it so you'll understand, but at the moment it's just not worth my time, so I'll put it in plain english for you: You're a moron. Manowar isn't gay. Shut up.

I hope that cleared things up for you. If not, oh well. Can't say I didn't try.

Now, back to the subject at hand: I would have to agree that Manowar does have some comic lines, but that's what makes them so great. Not only do they kick ass, but they can (however unintentionally) make you laugh too. There have been some serious Glory Metal lyrics in some of their songs that I couldn't help but laugh at, but that's just another reason why I like them. Some bands just take themselves WAY too seriously. Not that that's a terrible thing. Whatever works, I guess. Anyway... in the words of unimaginative metal heads: "Manowar kicks ass!!!" :headbang:
Nightwish said:
You really don't get it, do you? Apparently, you're a little slow. Perhaps some day I'll draw you a picture in crayon and scan it so you'll understand, but at the moment it's just not worth my time, so I'll put it in plain english for you: You're a moron. Manowar isn't gay. Shut up.

I hope that cleared things up for you. If not, oh well. Can't say I didn't try.

Thank you Baby:)
IOfTheStorm said:
playing authentic heavy metal is far away from "mainstream"
mainstream= copy at the gates
eheh very well said. (and I like ATG...)

My fave must be Kings of Metal (the power!) or Into Glory Ride (the epic songs!).
Their last double-dvd release is a must have for Manowar fans.
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