When you have nuthin´nice to say about..

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
When you have nothing nice to say about
member of this and other forums, please write the things that you have to say of them (not nice if you understand what I mean.
I made up this thread because I know that everyone here dislikes someone because of "someone"s act.
By saying your opinion of fu**er
you might gain support for you word or you can get banned,
or you can be victim of rape by words
or you might witness the manslaughter.

Do you think that this thread causes unnecessary flaming?
Do you think that this thread causes thoughts of suicide?
Do you think that this thread causes loneliness?
Do you think that this thread causes collapse of the stock exchange
Do you think that this thread causes lowering of taxes?

Do you taste misantrophy in my words?
All and all, Official Idiot has wasted your time, again.
i think this thread causes not much at all. it's unlikely that ppl will start telling their innermost hard feelings to each other's face only because realhazard suggested so. ;)

no, really: new ideas to shake some salt on the board are fine by me, but i guess nothing drastic will come of this.

just please let's not turn it into another chat thread, ok?

i hate siren and the grand wazoo


i love being excessively straightforward tho


Realhazard. :mad:
I hate you to a level of intoxication.

I hate Miolo. :mad:
I was under the impression that he was a girl for some time, and the truth is something I don't want to know.

I hate Wanderingblade. :mad:
He doesn't have a sig, avatar or location. What kind of redneck does he want to comes off as?

I hate Siren. :mad:
For writing two pages of one-sentence posts with another user. And it wasn't me.

I hate mousy. :mad:
She thinks it's a joke.

Don't worry, I have enough to go around.
Oh, i'm getting much hate i see in this thread, but all i can say is i love ya. :D

Siren (wonder why :p)
i just love you all

love-peace-rock'n... err metal!


i feel like being a bit evil tonight :rolleyes:

okey,right now i love you all..... and generally i never really get to hate people on boards,it can happen that for some moments i feel like killing one or two :loco:

sometimes At the gates pisses me off with his "secretive" posts,but i guess he has realized that hehe on the other hand recently he made a surprisingly good post ......hmmmmm

~mel~ (ruuuuuude :p)
bue come on!!! then where's the fun if you just say it openly???
if you tell, the shining on your teeth is swept away when the irony is so subtle that can be missunderstood...there's nothing like releasing it all through coloured garden but well hidden attacks with some touches of dark sugar :)

fathervic (who loooooooooong ago had guessed hyenas reply :p )
I do partially agree with hyena. The Grand Wazoo is a groupie whose posts are more senseless than the |ngenius ones.

Rahvin is a dwarf. Final Vision a surfer. Siren is a siren. FatherVic is a Melon. Miolo is a clone. Hyena is... she. Realhazard is a mystic. Melancholia is a mid-catalan troll. Phyros is a swedish. And I hate you all! Well, maybe I love you all, who knows? :rolleyes:

|ng (The pointless robot)
I hate InFlamesLiveInGothenburg/WHAT STOMP BOX? (from the IF board). He's a tool. Tools deserve to die.

I hate Ormir and Salmy for being teases. :mad:

I hate those board members who have gone away and never post here anymore.

I hate our moderators for being nice to us and giving us fewer things to complain about.

I hate phyre for being a "singer-songwriter" guy who is probably going to become a lot more famous than most of us...

I hate everyone here for not flaming each other and giving me something to laugh at.

I also hate several other board members/past board members from other boards. Fortunately, I know a bit of the address of one of them... so I can track her down and kill her..... Oh wait, she's not worth buying a chainsaw for to do the killing. I'm also taking my friend's job. :(

:p for all except the last... and possibly the first. :lol:
I hate mousewings because she betrayed the hate pit
I hate Ormir for winning the AA cd
I hate Thanatos just because I do
Originally posted by Ormir
I hate Miolo. :mad:
I was under the impression that he was a girl for some time, and the truth is something I don't want to know.
I hate Ormir. :mad:
he thought i was a girl. :eek: the truth will never be revealed to you. :p


Miolo (tr00 man)