Where is the best place for Opeth listening?


New Metal Member
Sep 26, 2006
well i know obviously in the gr1m woods would be the best for some people, but what about drifting away to sleep at night? cruising on the highway in your car? or maybe blasting it at a party? there are lots of ways to enjoy opeth! discuss...
meh... I can't headbang anyway... so.. it won't seem wierd listening to opeth no matter where. but I have to say I would prefer quiet places.
For some reason I can't picture an Opeth song playing during a party...maybe because the only thing I can hear at parties are mainstream rap/hip-hop. Listening to Opeth while doing work or at any other time of the day works for me.

welp guyz i tihk that the best palce to listen to opeth is right on your computer chari while surfing erksyulvania.com!
I listen to them when I go LARPing in Rob Darken's bathtub, or hurl cherry and avocado pits through the bars of Varg's prison cell.

no, really, the last time I listened to Opeth was when skvlk played da guitar in da house.