Where's the Anathema board?

nomana-nuniyan said:
Okay! I'll put mine up. :)

Maryland Institute College of Art

Main Building - drawing-painting studios, lecture rooms, photography studios, interior design dept, administration, etc.

half of the lobby inside the main building

Station Building (can't see half of it, it goes down a steep hill at the edge of the grass there and so you are only seeing the top third.) All sculpture studios and a huge lecture room and the main gallery spaces are in here. The library, and a full huge foundry in the one end in the Rinehart Grad. School of Sculpture. Used to be an old train station and the tracks run along the back, and all freight trains go through now. At the edge of the south part of the building in the back on the tracks a tunnel for the trains starts there that goes underground for a couple of miles directly under downtown Baltimore and comes out near the harbour all the way downtown. We used to go play in the tunnel, build sculptures and installations in the alcoves of the tunnel a little ways in and a couple of times we walked it and came out the other end. Some students took living room chairs in to place in the wall alcoves just to go in and hang out in the dark and think as the trains when flying by feet away. Very fond memories.

Fox Building - all painting studios and the Hoffberger Graduate School of Painting (on the top floor). In the basement, wood working, ceramics and jewelry making studios.

The school store and behind and attached to it is the Dolphin Building, all printmaking/litho studios.

No dorms. We all lived scattered around the city.

Looks very nice. The building I am working in at the moment is so ugly that I even couldn´t find any pictures in web. Actually it is one of the oldest universities here in Germany, but most of the natural sciences got new buildings in end 70´s on the top of the hill. Down in the valley there are nice buildings, like the old university.


It is the home of the theology right now...
cedarbreed said:

I haven't been there in almost 4 years and I'm not planning to return anyway, the buildings are riddled with asbestos

Asbestos... Hmmm... They removed this fucking asbestos over the last 1 1/2 in my faculty. They also repaired the roof over my office, so that I am not longer afraid that the water after heavy rain could damage my PC, what it did one time... :ill:
Cerulean said:
Woh that sucks! Photography is one of my weekly lessons at me academy. It's not my main study though, it's a small part of it.

I also had photography courses during my study times, but it was also just a small part of the whole studies... here u can study it (in Graz) but its fucking expensive :( I was thinking about it but I just couldnt afford that...
DragonLady1 said:
I also had photography courses during my study times, but it was also just a small part of the whole studies... here u can study it (in Graz) but its fucking expensive :( I was thinking about it but I just couldnt afford that...
Ah but at the academy here you can study Audio/visuals and that's concentrated on photography and video (making short movies and that). You can follow these studies from 14 years old and it costs less than 250 euros :) (price for camera and stuff not included)
Cerulean said:
Ah but at the academy here you can study Audio/visuals and that's concentrated on photography and video (making short movies and that). You can follow these studies from 14 years old and it costs less than 250 euros :) (price for camera and stuff not included)
During the last year at the university we can choose our own which courses we want to visit. Since I'm really fed up by biology I tried to find something interesting. If you're a student of a university in Switzerland you can visit courses in any other university in the country.. Finnish: none... photography: none.... modern music (in terms of work in a studio): none... I was so desperate that I even checked Swedish: yeah, in Zurich and Basel :yell:
Now I suppose I will end up as the most of the students here.. enter any course, get a signature and leave again :erk:
Eos said:
During the last year at the university we can choose our own which courses we want to visit. Since I'm really fed up by biology I tried to find something interesting. If you're a student of a university in Switzerland you can visit courses in any other university in the country.. Finnish: none... photography: none.... modern music (in terms of work in a studio): none... I was so desperate that I even checked Swedish: yeah, in Zurich and Basel :yell:
Now I suppose I will end up as the most of the students here.. enter any course, get a signature and leave again :erk:
Hey, hey... what I have to hear from you? You don´t like BIOLOGY... It is fucking interesting, but these students:erk: ...
Cerulean said:
Ah but at the academy here you can study Audio/visuals and that's concentrated on photography and video (making short movies and that). You can follow these studies from 14 years old and it costs less than 250 euros :) (price for camera and stuff not included)

ah great, u are really lucky!!! I also had some movie, sound and photo courses during my journalistic studies, but it wasnt concentrated on that, I really liked these courses tho, specially the photo course and the one about radio, pro tools programming and so on :headbang:
Yeah Eos, my college is one of about eight decent fine arts colleges in the U.S., just fine arts studied, but at any regular college here you can find a couple of classes in photography.

Frodnat, that building in your link is beautiful. Too bad it has to be theology taught there. There would be nothing better than to study in an ancient gothic church.

Cerulean, our best school for film here in the U.S. is the Chicago Art Institute. That was the other college I was going to go to. It came down to two and it was a toss up between Baltimore and Chicago.

Art school though, you know, it kept me illiterate. ;)
Frodnat said:
Hey, hey... what I have to hear from you? You don´t like BIOLOGY... It is fucking interesting, but these students:erk: ...
Sorry, but in biology you can find the most normal people.. at least in Bern. Ok, except those really alternative guys who never wash themselves nor their clothes, hahaha.
I got fed up by biology. We had about 40 exams during the first two years, every exam about one of those 10kg books. You never had time to get into anything really. The only thing you wanted to do is get over with the exams. It was just a marathon and had nothing to do with interest. Also I realized that I lost the passion for it and that in those laboratories the most people don't understand the passion I have for my hobbies. If I say that I don't want to do the dissertation because then I wouldn't have money for my hobbies or if I say that I'm just not interested into doing it loads of people look at me like I'm crazy or something. Well maybe that had something to do with the fact that I was mostly working with the people from the human biology. In the veterinary biology where I am now it's a bit better. People here mostly do have a life *g*
Eos said:
Sorry, but in biology you can find the most normal people.. at least in Bern. Ok, except those really alternative guys who never wash themselves nor their clothes, hahaha.
I got fed up by biology. We had about 40 exams during the first two years, every exam about one of those 10kg books. You never had time to get into anything really. The only thing you wanted to do is get over with the exams. It was just a marathon and had nothing to do with interest. Also I realized that I lost the passion for it and that in those laboratories the most people don't understand the passion I have for my hobbies. If I say that I don't want to do the dissertation because then I wouldn't have money for my hobbies or if I say that I'm just not interested into doing it loads of people look at me like I'm crazy or something. Well maybe that had something to do with the fact that I was mostly working with the people from the human biology. In the veterinary biology where I am now it's a bit better. People here mostly do have a life *g*
Oh, yes those "humbies" are kind of strange. I think it depends on the workgroup you are working in and its composition. I am working in neurobiology and if someone would not have something like a life in these jobs he will either die a slow death or he was dead before he started :ill:.

But passion in such a job? Hmmm, I think the period in which anyone could live his passion in natural sciences is over. Some are lucky and could do both hobby and work in their job but there are only very few. Due my study I lost my motivation too. I couldn´t do what I wanted in the first 4 semester but then I could choose what was the most interesting. One has to search a bit to find the right workgroup and people at the job are nothing but colleagues...;).
Frodnat said:
But passion in such a job? Hmmm, I think the period in which anyone could live his passion in natural sciences is over.
Biology used to be my hobby and passion ;)

Frodnat said:
Some are lucky and could do both hobby and work in their job but there are only very few....people at the job are nothing but colleagues...;).
Well, I think that as long as I believe that I can change something I maybe could really make it. The moment I stop trying to make things better or to reach more is when everything will remain constant. For me that's the state when you stop having a life. The most of people in Switzerland are like that and the thought of becoming one of them is really scaring me. They might have less worries but also I believe that deep inside I'm happier than they are.
sorry for interrupting you lot, but university can ruin any interest a person has, and the final exams depend more on whether the professors like you or not.

@ eos: in cologne/germany you can take 'finnish studies' as a subject now, it's recently been separated from scandinavian studies, so the Fins have their own institute now...
neph said:
sorry for interrupting you lot, but university can ruin any interest a person has, and the final exams depend more on whether the professors like you or not.

Damn right, Uni ruined the interested I had in the subject I was studying and indeed you gotta lick the teachers' arses to get good marks .... fuck it ...
It can sort of distort it like, all that focus on exams leaves little freedom to explore your interest. You need to keep focus on why it is your studying in the first place.
do they beat you there or something? how can you dislike something when everyday you learn more about it? it becomes more interesting.
