Where's the Anathema board?

sol83 said:
do they beat you there or something? how can you dislike something when everyday you learn more about it? it becomes more interesting.


because they teach it the wrong way, and some sub-subjects don't fit your interests and goals ...
it's about learning some stuff that you're not really interested in, everyone can live with that; but one example (I don't want to spam the board ;)): we took our final exams at the uni, and a friend of mine was really well prepared, better than all of us, and he failed, and one year after that, he repeated the exam, with different professors but the same subjects etc, and got a very good mark. the profs of the first exam couldn't even tell him why he failed in the first one, and it's very often like that. they didn't like him, that was quite obvious, and the reason why he didn't pass. sorry, but sth like that is really crappy.
neph said:
it's about learning some stuff that you're not really interested in, everyone can live with that; but one example (I don't want to spam the board ;)): we took our final exams at the uni, and a friend of mine was really well prepared, better than all of us, and he failed, and one year after that, he repeated the exam, with different professors but the same subjects etc, and got a very good mark. the profs of the first exam couldn't even tell him why he failed in the first one, and it's very often like that. they didn't like him, that was quite obvious, and the reason why he didn't pass. sorry, but sth like that is really crappy.
Oral exams are really tricky. Sometimes it seems to be more important to choose a prof that fit your way of thinking than learning enough of the things you should. But a good prof, sorry to say this should try to be as much objective as possible. Some profs are assholes, that is a fact. Problem here in Germany is the evaluation of the profs... There isn´t any evaluation that´s the problem.
Frodnat said:
Oral exams are really tricky. Sometimes it seems to be more important to choose a prof that fit your way of thinking than learning enough of the things you should. But a good prof, sorry to say this should try to be as much objective as possible. Some profs are assholes, that is a fact. Problem here in Germany is the evaluation of the profs... There isn´t any evaluation that´s the problem.
Yes, that's true, and some professors apparently don't even try to bring in new stuff, they pretty much stick to the stuff they've been doing for decades... and then you spend a year on your exam, and if some idiot doesn't like, you fail... :yell: pretty sad... though I think that with 63.000 students, it's still more anonymous than at smaller universities...
sol83 said:
danny said he'd take it off for a while because of all the crap that happened. anyways, i'm leaving now, gotta get some drinks in me. happy new year. :Spin:


what happened? I have been without iternet since christmas day

John = :hypno: :hypno: :confused: :confused:

bye and see you all other day dont know when :erk:
Anathema have been banned from UM :tickled:

Rumours of persons connected to the band being E-terrorists starting wars within the UM family. Pretty soon you'll have to change the name :loco: .