Which cd did you just buy?

i just got from alfred this wonderful vnv nation bootleg featuring their show in san francisco, 2001. :hotjump:
i'm enjoying ronan harris brief speeches between songs immensely. :headbang:

Do CD/DVD players count?
I just bought a TV and a DVD system with sorround sound and crap, I gotta stop spending so much money on crap I won't be able to enjoy, since I am stuck at work again... This time I am giving the training UGH
Teheh, atleast they had a funny ending to it with a best of-album. Perfect blending with their ideals, hm, or maybe not... ;)
Originally posted by MP-AKK
Hm, with your collection fresh in mind; You must be like, an ebay-junkie or something, right? ;)

Something like that.

My latest purchases:
Candlemass - Doomed for live (Anxious to see if I can hear myself shout for The well of souls)
Nightingale - Alive again
Borknagar - Borknagar
Originally posted by VultureCulture
i thought i ordered the gallery but instead got TMI... well, i'm ok with that *shrugs*

:lol: :lol: :lol:

that's the spirit....

fathervic (who also wants Alive Again!!!!)
Originally posted by Melancholia
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!! :eek:
you've bought Alive Again!!!!!!!!
is it already out???????????
*heart attack*

The end records in the states have it for sale now.
i need a quick advice: i saw "Evolution" (Edge of Sanity) in a shop at 12€. should i buy it? i haven't any Edge of Sanity record. i was (i am still) very interested in "Crimson", but haven't found it yet.
thanks. :)

Originally posted by Miolo
i need a quick advice: i saw "Evolution" (Edge of Sanity) in a shop at 12€. should i buy it? i haven't any Edge of Sanity record. i was (i am still) very interested in "Crimson", but haven't found it yet.
thanks. :)


Recommendation: Buy "Crimson".

I think there´s some sort of nice-price campaign going on with Black Mark records right now (at least here in Sweden), and that includes Edge of Sanity´s cd catalogue. Which means you can pick up some fine albums for the same price you can pick up some very awful albums. Great, huh?
Evolution is not so great - unless you are a die-hard fan of the band (I know a couple who are) you shouldn't buy it. The demo-era songs are pretty bad and the new remixes of the album-songs don't sound much different from the originals (except for maybe "Until Eternity Ends"). The cover of Danzig's "Mother" is great, but otherwise there's very little value for someone who already has their full catalogue.

its nice to see some people who listen to alghazanth and novembre, two incredible bands, the last cd i got thought was dream theater - six degrees of inner turbulence and i just ordered Nightingales - Nailwork
I just bought the new Lullacry single, "Don't Touch The Flame"...I should have it in a couple days:D . May the powers that be bless
The End Records:) .

This is my first cd purchase of 2003...WOW. I feel like I haven't bought anything in ages...belated x-mas present to me:D .
hmm...I haven't bought any cd's in a long while mainly cus I don't got money...lol...the last ones I did buy though are dark tranquillity - damage done and in flames - reroute to remain...I'm saving up some dinero to buy some others soon, namely, nevermore - enemies of reality and the new iron maiden album...hmm I might need a loan...anyone care to lend?