Which cd did you just buy?

just bought: dr dre "2001"; pet shop boys "actually - further listening edition".

just received as a present from rei: vnv nation "burning empires", which is about the rarest thing on earth. :spin:

rahvin. (anachron)
I just won an auction for the limited edition The Mind's I in the LP-size case for 40€ - the stupid thing is that I could have bought one for 32€ half a year ago, but didn't have the money back then...

Shaows Fall only really has one other album and that is their new one Art of Balance. It is good, but not as good as Of One Blood. They are also a good act to see live.
Originally posted by Villain
I just won an auction for the limited edition The Mind's I in the LP-size case for 40€ - the stupid thing is that I could have bought one for 32€ half a year ago, but didn't have the money back then...


i bought mine for something like 25€ in 1998 (actually in wacken) so the price is rising!!! this way I'm going to be rich :p

oh, and soon I'll have another one :rolleyes:

fv (dt treasure geek)
Villain & FV@ and i bought mine for sth like 15€ the good old times...so i beat you both :p

yesterday a beloved good being send me Kari's Rueslåtten "mesmerised"....so sweet :cry:

and also i received a CD with somekind of "play" of a book of one of my favourite norwegian authors


FV@ you're gonna be rich?? you mean you'll betary your favourite band and sell their stuff in a couple of years.....tsts shame on you :p
Behooooooold the greatness of Ebay :p

nah, really, I don't think they could give me much for the stuff, so it's not worth selling it...but if they gave me a million :rolleyes: ....hehehehe
hehehe I wonder what a TRUE DTer as Hedon (I can't think of someone more TRUE nor more DTer :p ) would do if they gave him a million for it XDDDDDD

fathervic (crossingfingers)
Ancient Rites - Blasfemia eternal
Ancient Rites - The diabolic serenades
Ancient Rites - Fatherland
Forest Stream - Tears of mortal solitude
In The Woods - Three by seven on a pilgrimage
Dark Fortress - Profane genocidal creations
Originally posted by Villain
I just won an auction for the limited edition The Mind's I in the LP-size case for 40€ - the stupid thing is that I could have bought one for 32€ half a year ago, but didn't have the money back then...


I've got that one as well. Tried to bid for the gallery box but it went for $85 and my limit was $50.
@Tranquillian: Saw your cdcollection (your signature), hehe lots of good cds :)

back to topic;

Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
Naglfar - Vittra (I've had a hell getting it)
I got Nile-In Their Darkened Shrines over the weekend. Darkane is on my list and also Agalloch. I'm pissed because the end website doesn't have any Ag. in stock right now.:mad: