Which cd did you just buy?

god dethroned - nihilism (all my other files are still on backup)

edit: just saw the previous NP... weird.

edit2: and this even isn't the NP thread! :D :oops:
as I lay dying-shadows are security
evergreen terrace-sincerity is an easy disguise in this business

its sommer its metalcore time...and as i lay dying are much more the followers of at the gates than these broing wannabe-metalcore kings darkest hour...
IF's CLAYMAN, WHORACLE today. Haven't heard them yet, cannot stop listening to SOUNDTRACK TO YOUR ESCAPE maniacally.
Necromortis said:
Whoracle is simly amazing...
and ...Clayman.And if I may share something.When the pain gets real bad I like to just sit and watch the birds flying.Iwould think that maybe being a bird is easier than being a human, you can just fly away.Or if I am in bed I would see myself in a plane that is taking off ,higher and higher until you lose everything that you see so insignificant from above.Iwas said to get real, that these are nonsenses.So when I heard ' ...buy me a trip to the moon so I can laughat my mistakes.I can see the end from here.From this perspective it looks kind of silly........' and so on I actually cried a little bit. I found so many of my other thoughts reflected in Friden's lyrics, like there is a coversation between our souls.
solefald said:
Sentenced-the funeral album

can someone of the finish people here translate the phrases in the booklet?would be really nice

Freely translated: :wave:

- Jonakin päivänä lakkaa ihminen kuolemasta. Se on hänen loppunsa.
= Some day man will cease to die. It'll be the end of him.

- Minä olen maa ja multa enkä muuta.
= I am the ground and the earth and nothing else.

- On kaikki tässä elossa
Niin katoavaista aivan
Ja murhe seuraa murhetta
Ja kuolo jälkeen vaivan.
= Everything in this life
is quite so fading
and grief's followed by grief
and death by trouble.

- Vakaana seisoo metsä paikoillaan.
Ihmisen vaellukset täällä ovat niin turhia.
= Firmly stands the forest in place.
The journeys of man here are so useless.

- Paras on minun paeta,
paras mennä näiltä mailta,
mennä Kalman karsikkohon,
piillä Tuonelan pihoille!
(this one has kind of difficult old language in it and I'm not very sure how it could be translated)
= It is best for me to flee,
and leave these lands,
to enter Death's pruned forest,
to sneak into the courtyards of Hades.

- Hautamme olkoon se raja, koska musta on tukkenut silmiemme suolaisen virran.
= Our grave be the border, for the black has blocked the salty stream from our eyes.

- Haudat romahtavat aina. Täyteen.
= The graves always collapse. Thoroughly.

- Ei edes yksinäisyys tule yksin.
= Even loneliness doesn't come alone.
This is the board where I just list the albums that I've already given a small (or big) review of on other boards, so forgive me. Nevertheless:

...hey what the fuck, how could you already buy This Godless Endeavor, LaRocque? I thought it's only out on the 25th. 26th says cm.com.

Ok, the albums:
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side 9 ½
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors 9/10
Mr. Bungle - California 9/10
Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes 9 ¾
Battlelore - Third Age Of The Sun 8/10

Phish said:
naglfar - pariah
Good buy! What are your favourite songs? Mine are probably the first two proper ones, especially A Swarm Of Plagues, and And The World Shall Be Your Grave (great chorus) and maybe Perpetual Horrors too.