Which country makes the best Metal?

I read all that, and all I can say I got dumber as I kept on reading.

Anyway, first of all industrial is a form of metal, yeh i know, but it is, its like nu-metal, people will hate to admit it, but its form of metal.

As for the american vs candians...this is a music board, get over yourself, your ignorance hurts my -10 IQ for even suggesting that canadian citizen's wear there flag around...what are you stupid? Been watching to much tv haven't we? Oh and I'm not canadian so don't kid yourself with a reply to attack me.

As for the person that said

"First of all, Helloween sucks. Iron Maiden is overrated.

Not home to metal in any way? Wrong there, duder. Ever heard of the Bay Area? Ever heard of Florida death metal? Ever heard of Scott Burns? The ay Area and Florida are/were just as important to metal as Norway or Sweden."

What are you stupid? or retarded? You going to tell me shadows fall (since its from florida) is better then helloween or iron maiden? Hate to give you a lesson in life kid, every other state or atleast the one im living in calls whatever comes from florida, "florida metal", its a joke really on what kinda music comes from florida. Your not important at all, as you suggest or beleive to be, go to any other state up north or more west and you can see people laught at bands that come from florida, hell even check online if you want and see for yourself.

As for my picks:
shadows fall is from massechusets. and as for KMFDM, yeh Sascha is german originaly, but everyone else in the band is from somewhere else. its 1 german and a bunch of britts and americans, but they're based in seattle so they're american if anything. every country has its strong suit, so stop bickering haha. good shit comes from everywhere.
why the fuck are you all talking about canadians and americans...get the fuck over it..theres more than one kind of person in the world...we're trying to talk about METAL! YOU SELF CONCEITED IGNORANT CUNTS!
Take your uninformed bullshit elsewhere. Oh, and nu-metal is garbage.
A true metal fan is supposed to be angry, yell and swear at people.
A true metal fan interupts every discussion he wants no part in, and spits at any music he does not like.
oh, why all the anger?

Back on topic, I would say Finland, Sweden and Germany. The US has a few bands that I like, but way too few.
I don't really have a solid belief as to which makes the best metal overall because a great band could come from any country.

But since most of my favorite bands (Neurosis, Death, Iced Earth, Morbid Angel, etc....) are from America I'm just gonna say America.
C eh N eh D eh

canada has the best motherfuckin metal, myopia, cradle to grave, cryptopsy and so on..................................................................................................................................................
If we are talking about, of all-time ever, I would say UK.

Swedish scene now is a joke, it was great at one time, but no more, Arch Enemy, N*Flamz.

Only listen to Opeth, At The Gates, Dismember, Dissection and Amon Amarth nowadays that is Swedish

And 2 of those don't exist anymore.

So many great and Influencial bands from the UK, I don't even need to list them.

America had a great scene at one time, we have Nu-Metal to thank for their decline, Nile and Immolation and Slayer try, but it just isn't the same.

So of all-time would look like this:


Just my opinion, not taking away from them scenes at all, they were fantastic at one time, now over-run with second-rate garbage, as is the whole planet.
HardSide said:
As for my picks:
South America
What are you stupid? or retarded?

The only good bands to come out of Norway were Black Metal bands, you have a case for it being the best country at producing BM but not Metal as a whole.

Swedish Death is sometimes overated but they produce a lot of quality Metal and bands like Opeth and Therion rule.

Polish Metal is underated. The BM is the best in the world and the DM has no originality or nothing new and there isn't a good variety of Metal other than Death and Black.

Germany produces the best Power Metal, Death, Thrash, Industrial and the best selection of Metal.

UK suffers now from the British Brain Drain Theory for Death and lacks quality bands developing. Historically the best.

South America is not a country.
Russia produces some quality Metal and probably the biggest quality Black Metal(too many too list) scene in the world as well as the best NAZI BLACK scene. You also have Aria as well as an array of quality Death, Thrash, Doom and Power Metal bands.Here is a list of Russian bands from a few genres.

Death Vomit
Dr. Faust
Tales Of Darknord

Black Obelisk
Manic Depression

Arida Vortex
Black Arrow
Shadow Host
Santa Maria
Whatever, i find nazi's more interesting and real than fucking do gooders like the anti-nazi leauge, ban the anti-nazi league.

England has to come top for metal (not the uk, what the fuck have the welsh ever done for us?) with bands like solstice, esoteric, bal-sagoth, electric wizard. its the proper bollocks a tell ya.

The US would come a close second thanks only to Evoken (but you can stick your death, grind and all that bollocks up yer backside)

sweden does have the best cheese though (musical cheese that is)
- Sweden:Cult of Luna, Ebony Tears, Edge of Sanity, Evergrey, Katatonia, Mork Gryning, Nightingale, October Tide, Opeth, Ophthalamia, Pain of Salvation, The Provenance, Thryfng...

- USA: Agalloch, Aghora, Atheist, Cynic, Daylight Dies, Gordian Knot, Grey Skies Fallen, Lilitu, Maudlin of the Well, Scholomance, Sculptured, Spastic Ink, Tool (be it metal or not)...

It's a tie! :hotjump: