White Supremecy

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Aug 29, 2005
After seeing American History X around 24 hours ago, I'd like to ask the members of UM a question.

In the movie, the main character, Derek(a neo-nazi), refers to KKK members as somewhere along the lines of, "Idiot rednecks." My question is, generally what do neo-nazis think of the KKK, and vice versa?
LadyValerie said:
After seeing American History X around 24 hours ago, I'd like to ask the members of UM a question.

In the movie, the main character, Derek(a neo-nazi), refers to KKK members as somewhere along the lines of, "Idiot rednecks." My question is, generally what do neo-nazis think of the KKK, and vice versa?

I wouldn't know.

I don't know what "neo nazis" think about the KKK - possible reasons why they might not like them could be that the KKK is fervently Christian and the Freemasonry connection.

The suppressed facts about the origins of the KKK, which neither the establishment nor the modern KKK like to acknowledge, for different reasons, are very interesting and worth knowing about.

"A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other negroes and on Northern Whites." wrote Black historian J .A. Rogers in 1923. The original KKK had over 400,000 members. They were not against Blacks, but only against the excessive power given to Blacks at the time. They were just as likely to attack Whites they saw as criminals.

"The militarily conquered Whites of the South were denied all Constitutional Rights; they could not vote, run for public office, or hold Civil positions. They were denied redress of grievances, yet, were forced to pay excessive taxes to pay for the war."

"The Freedmen's Bureau was created by the Radical Republicans in Congress to give the newly freed Blacks political power over the southern Whites."

"'Adventurers swarmed out of the North, as much the enemies of one race as of the other, to cozen, beguile and use the Negroes. The White men were aroused by a mere instinct of self preservation until at last there sprang into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable Empire of the South, to protect the Southern Country." - Woodrow Wilson (of New Jersey) President of the United States, in his "History of the American People.'

In April 1865, the war of Southern secession came to its bitter end. For the last time the Confederate armies assembled themselves before the Union forces, not to do battle, but to stack arms, surrender, and go home. But what did they go home to? After four years of bitter conflict the South was devastated. Its economy was shattered. Its countryside was ravaged. Its cities lay in ruins and most bridges and ferries were destroyed or damaged.

With the collapse of the Confederate government, Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, did not want to grant even a shadow of legality to Southern civil authority. He declared that all police power in the South had reverted to the United States Army. Individuals who held local civil positions had to report themselves to the military authorities. Anyone who violated these instructions was liable to trial before a military tribunal. Civil authority thus fell into a void. Lawlessness abounded. Millions of emancipated Negroes roamed about. They had no education, no work, no homes, and no money. To avoid starvation they raided and stole whatever they could. Poor whites who owned small family farms were defenseless against large roaming gangs of desperate hungry Negroes. Rape and murder became commonplace."
LadyValerie said:
My question is, generally what do neo-nazis think of the KKK, and vice versa?

National Socialism = third positionist

KKK = (generally) conservative, conventional

For this reason, generally, NSers see the KKK as archaic and insufficient.

The original Klan did a lot more than beat up Negroes, as Norsemaiden pointed out. They were more like the Guardian Angels, and that included lynching criminals (white and black).
Norsemaiden said:

I don't know what "neo nazis" think about the KKK - possible reasons why they might not like them could be that the KKK is fervently Christian and the Freemasonry connection.

The suppressed facts about the origins of the KKK, which neither the establishment nor the modern KKK like to acknowledge, for different reasons, are very interesting and worth knowing about.

"A fact not generally known is that there were thousands of Negro Klansmen. These were used as spies on other negroes and on Northern Whites." wrote Black historian J .A. Rogers in 1923. The original KKK had over 400,000 members. They were not against Blacks, but only against the excessive power given to Blacks at the time. They were just as likely to attack Whites they saw as criminals.

"The militarily conquered Whites of the South were denied all Constitutional Rights; they could not vote, run for public office, or hold Civil positions. They were denied redress of grievances, yet, were forced to pay excessive taxes to pay for the war."

"The Freedmen's Bureau was created by the Radical Republicans in Congress to give the newly freed Blacks political power over the southern Whites."

"'Adventurers swarmed out of the North, as much the enemies of one race as of the other, to cozen, beguile and use the Negroes. The White men were aroused by a mere instinct of self preservation until at last there sprang into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable Empire of the South, to protect the Southern Country." - Woodrow Wilson (of New Jersey) President of the United States, in his "History of the American People.'

In April 1865, the war of Southern secession came to its bitter end. For the last time the Confederate armies assembled themselves before the Union forces, not to do battle, but to stack arms, surrender, and go home. But what did they go home to? After four years of bitter conflict the South was devastated. Its economy was shattered. Its countryside was ravaged. Its cities lay in ruins and most bridges and ferries were destroyed or damaged.

With the collapse of the Confederate government, Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, did not want to grant even a shadow of legality to Southern civil authority. He declared that all police power in the South had reverted to the United States Army. Individuals who held local civil positions had to report themselves to the military authorities. Anyone who violated these instructions was liable to trial before a military tribunal. Civil authority thus fell into a void. Lawlessness abounded. Millions of emancipated Negroes roamed about. They had no education, no work, no homes, and no money. To avoid starvation they raided and stole whatever they could. Poor whites who owned small family farms were defenseless against large roaming gangs of desperate hungry Negroes. Rape and murder became commonplace."


Going to a KKK website for accurate historical information is brilliant.

This is why I don't post.
Neo-Nazi's diffently view the KKK as a kinda joke...Neo-Nazi's tend to be anti-religion as well as anti-black *and other races as well include some that most people would consider white, such as eastern europeans*

the KKK presently tends to be mostly anti-black only...very christian...and in general has little problems with other religious or ethinic groups besides blacks *some excepts...arabics but the KKK has no problems in general with eastern Europeans for example...*

on a side note what norse maiden said about the KKK is actually true the KKK in the begining was much more than just a black hating group...though it was still that, thus does not really deserve any respect....Neo-Nazi's on the other hand, well yah i cannot really say anything nice about them
A Dying Breed said:

Going to a KKK website for accurate historical information is brilliant.

This is why I don't post.

Please give an alternative account of why the KKK came into existence, if there is one. Or perhaps you can find a historical account of how the American South was so wonderful after the Civil War that there was no incentive for the inhabitants to need to organise in such a way for protection.
It looks like you think the Confederates all deserved to be hanged.

All history is a matter of perspective to some extent, and you have to use your own judgement on any source of historical information. The most biased information of all is the official State history of a Nation, it is written from a propaganda objective without a doubt. So you have to try to find the truth by reading between the lines and hearing both sides of an argument. I'm no supporter of the KKK, but I believe this account of the reasons they formed, and I can see that they had a reasonable purpose at that time.
veneficus83 said:
Neo-Nazi's diffently view the KKK as a kinda joke...Neo-Nazi's tend to be anti-religion as well as anti-black *and other races as well include some that most people would consider white, such as eastern europeans*

the KKK presently tends to be mostly anti-black only...very christian...and in general has little problems with other religious or ethinic groups besides blacks *some excepts...arabics but the KKK has no problems in general with eastern Europeans for example...*

on a side note what norse maiden said about the KKK is actually true the KKK in the begining was much more than just a black hating group...though it was still that, thus does not really deserve any respect....Neo-Nazi's on the other hand, well yah i cannot really say anything nice about them
The KKK hated Catholics too. Basically all non-protestant groups.

The only reason the KKK still exists is that a bunch of unemployed losers in the South like having a secret club that can give them some sense of belonging. I can see why they aren't well liked by NS people.
MasterOLightning said:
The KKK hated Catholics too. Basically all non-protestant groups.

The only reason the KKK still exists is that a bunch of unemployed losers in the South like having a secret club that can give them some sense of belonging. I can see why they aren't well liked by NS people.

LOL - beautiful execution of words! I must say that very much agree with you.

For their respective purposes (and I'm not saying that in my view they are akin, resptectable or something I agree with at all), NS'ers at least do what they do with some kind of intelligence, while Klan members are just the biggest bunch of inbred trash you'll ever find.

I'm surprised they don't all have their meetings in Tasmania:p (sorry for the non-Aussies who might not get that one).
Norsemaiden said:
Please give an alternative account of why the KKK came into existence, if there is one. Or perhaps you can find a historical account of how the American South was so wonderful after the Civil War that there was no incentive for the inhabitants to need to organise in such a way for protection.
It looks like you think the Confederates all deserved to be hanged.

All history is a matter of perspective to some extent, and you have to use your own judgement on any source of historical information. The most biased information of all is the official State history of a Nation, it is written from a propaganda objective without a doubt. So you have to try to find the truth by reading between the lines and hearing both sides of an argument. I'm no supporter of the KKK, but I believe this account of the reasons they formed, and I can see that they had a reasonable purpose at that time.

I don't care about the Confederates. I don't care about justice. I have no moral stake in this subject. Now, please elucidate for me the intellectual and scholarly processes by which you came to the conclusion that the claims presented on the KKK website are accurate. Don't tell me some stupid shit about how our historians are the puppets of our Zionist government, because it isn't fucking relevent to the question. Thank you.
A Dying Breed said:
I don't care about the Confederates. I don't care about justice. I have no moral stake in this subject. Now, please elucidate for me the intellectual and scholarly processes by which you came to the conclusion that the claims presented on the KKK website are accurate. Don't tell me some stupid shit about how our historians are the puppets of our Zionist government, because it isn't fucking relevent to the question. Thank you.

Hmmm this calls for my skills as a hypnotist. Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, into my eyes 1-2-3 you're under.

When you next check the site http://www.kkklan.com you will find that it is NOT in fact a KKK site, but actually a site run by The Indiana Historical Research Foundation, respected as being reliable and heavily used by students, academics and the mainstream media to provide information on the KKK.

Quote: " On February 1, 1998, the History Channel aired a two-hour documentary called "Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History." The Indiana Historical Research Foundation assisted in the making of that documentary and was prominently mentioned for its part in the credits shown at the end of that program. Since then the I.H.R.F. assisted British TV, World of Wonder Channel 4 make a documentary on the KKK that was aired in 1999. In the year 2000 the I.R.H.F. also assisted in making a similar documentary for the Learning Channel. The I.H.R.F. has done radio programs on the KKK for National Public Radio (Tampa, Florida), KXAM Radio (Scottsdale, Arizona), and Danish National Radio (Denmark). The I.H.R.F. has also assisted a steady stream of educators, students, writers and publications with their various research projects pertaining to the KKK.."

3-2-1 You're back in the room.
Holy shit that's compelling. An introductory paragraph on the first page. I'd better throw up the white flag.

Look into my eyes now sweetie. Do you really think that any "respectable, reliable," meaning mainstream, historical organization in the US could write something such as the following: "So, you don't believe there ever were Negro (Black, Colored, Afro-American - what ever they want to be called these days) members of the Ku Klux Klan???" Let me give you a hint. That shit doesn't fly in today's mainstream academia. Not even close. But you failed to answer my question anyhow. I asked you how you came to regard these assertions as fact. Please answer.
A Dying Breed said:
Holy shit that's compelling. An introductory paragraph on the first page. I'd better throw up the white flag.

Look into my eyes now sweetie. Do you really think that any "respectable, reliable," meaning mainstream, historical organization in the US could write something such as the following: "So, you don't believe there ever were Negro (Black, Colored, Afro-American - what ever they want to be called these days) members of the Ku Klux Klan???" Let me give you a hint. That shit doesn't fly in today's mainstream academia. Not even close. But you failed to answer my question anyhow. I asked you how you came to regard these assertions as fact. Please answer.

How I judge whether anything is probably a fact is by a process of looking at all the information available and making a balanced judgement based on what sounds most credible and including considerations like whether it benefits someone's agenda. I am assuming that there is no conflicting account of the history of the KKK (except that the KKK does not like to accept the idea of having had thousands of Black members - and the establishment doesn't like to make that well known either because they want also want people to think the KKK could never have had Blacks in it) nor any conflicting account of the circumstances, such as Whites being denied voting rights(except scalawags and carpetbaggers), etc. You don't seem to be able to provide any alternative historical information. From what I can tell, the mainstream media and academic institutions concur that the information on that website is accurate.

If my judgement seems not to be balanced to you, it should be because you are in the possession of alternative facts which I should consider. Please educate me!:)
Klam members are all rednecks and hate anything that isn't Confederate American. I've seen many Klan Members in my life walking down the street, and not one of them was north of North Carolina. They pretty much don't exist, except in the backwoods of America. And because of that, they pretty much hate anything that isn't White Christian American. The important point being American.
so how do KKK view neo-nazis???

Depends on the KKK member. That sounds like a cop-out, but the KKK members I've met vary from dysfunctional to genius.

It was back in 1985 when I first met Osiris Akkebala, Chief Elder of the Pan-Afrikan International Movement (PAIN). Chief Akkebala hosted a radio show in an all-black community where we had a scheduled demonstration. PAIN follows a Garvian philosophy, and understanding that Marcus Garvey had met with the Klan in the 1920s, Chief Osiris approached me for a private meeting. We hit it off well and have been good friends ever since.

Sometime in 1990 we began holding joint demonstrations--the Klan in their robes and the Africans in their dashikis. Needless to say it sparked quite a backlash. Many klansmen were angry at me for even considering such a thing. In my view it was a match inspired by God. Why should we have a problem with black men who are strict racial separatists and want to establish a homeland on the continent of Africa? I have even publicly endorsed the payment of reparations to blacks but only for the purpose of repatriation back to Africa.

A Dying Breed said:
But you failed to answer my question anyhow.

You're pulling a George Bush here, man. First you claimed it was a KKK site, now you claim it's simply un-academic. When are you going to present contrary information?
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