Originally posted by Rei Toei
...not at all...
I'm a practical being... I just said those two songs were too few for me to produce any sort of serious comment and I meant "they're too few"

at the end of that portion of my post hinted at me not being so serious about the effect dt should have had on you at first try. on a less humorous side - if i can be said to have one such - i was merely pointing out how those two songs didn't exactly blow you away. so maybe you're going to like
some of the stuff dt made, but won't become any die-hard fan. i know nobody can make out much more about it for now, but, hey, i just had to write something.
Originally posted by Rei Toei
If Alfred (or anybody else), wants me to criticize something I have no knowledge of, he/she/it should give/suggest me some large starting point or I won't be able to express a *real* opinion.
i'm sure he/she/it will. what the hell,
i will if noone else does it!
Originally posted by Rei Toei
You can't expect everyone to share your taste at first try,[/B]
oh, i never do. and this is because most of the things i really really like might be tried just once, or only by one individual, or not at all. i can't go around sharing.
Originally posted by Rei Toei
especially when your listener is a one-eared newbie... like me

now, now... lack of self-esteem is one thing, but missing one ear is quite another.
Originally posted by Rei Toei
Yes, yes... he's kind, he's nice, he's bighearted (hmm... can you hear these violins, too?), he's polite and he's definitely taller

than me... but most of all he's got an high-speed connection, brilliant conversation and he makes a good coffee

yep, i can the hear the violins: those damn bacteria won't keep quiet for a minute.

alfred is taller than most - although i really have no say in it. as for the rest, i don't drink coffeee and i usually find travelling to his place faster than any modem connection.
rahvin. (hooked on hooks)