The keepers albums kick all the powermetal asses, not just vocals.
Some people have (according to me) a very strange idea of what p.m is.
I admit it´s hard to tell what is what (for me too of course)
Dickinson ..powermetal?? ...ehh noooooooooo *breath* oooooooooooooo!
Biff Byford too then???? How about
Udo Dirkschneider?
John Arch, Geoff Tate, Eric Adams (maybe later manowar...maybe)
...none of them are Powermetal singers according to me.
Are you guys just naming your favourite singers?
Not even James Rivera is p.m according to me.
(Progressive Metal, Us-Metal, Heavy Metal etc)
Am I wrong?? Read this first, so you don´t reply
for nothing

I have a clear idea of what is what. And it will not change ...guess you guys are the same.
It´s not a need to argue, it just the way you/I think.
I have an idea of the genres and my own way of placing bands in them. Most of the times
it´s exactly the same as everybody else. But sometimes it differs ...big time

Everybody think they are correct blablabla. I don´t say you/they are wrong and I know how it is, I say what I think
....and what I think can not be argued, even if I´m wrong (...I mean there is no use arguing with me anyway) <-- drunk mans logic. Eat my shorts! haha cheers.
P.s Me and a (drunkard) friend of mine have our own definition of speed metal as well. We have the same
idea of what it is, and we are often (drunk and) dead serious about this ....after about 20 beers!!

..Almost on the verge of starting
a political/musical party hahaha. Silly mongs
Our point is that (the whole genre) Thrash should be separated into Thrash and Speed.
I will not go into details ....I´m far away from drunk enough right now

(yes we are retards, leave us alone mohahah)
This thread is about Power Metal anyways...
Now you may analyze me and give me hell

..I´ll go back to my beers
(I do realize there are different definitions of Powermetal out there, of course
