Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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I fucking want that shirt.
I'm not even in the right continent for it, but I want it.
Since I'm the grandma of the group, I should be allowed the bed in the 21 + room and honestly I don't mind sharing a bed with someone else. Just don't try spooning me in my sleep or else you'll probably get an elbow to the face. :)
I'd like to call a bed as well for the reason Jeremy stated, as well as generally having a terrible time getting to sleep in unfamiliar places. It's pretty common for me to take 2-3 hours to fall asleep under 'sub-optimal' conditions, no matter how tired I am.

If I have to share a bed with someone though, I think I'll stick to the floor. Not that I'm afraid of being near any of you, it would just be really weird since I never sleep like that.
i wish everyone would just man up and go. im flying from colorado. to top that, last year there were guys from GERMANY.

distance is no excuse
o awesome then, i dont need money? ill hitchhike to maryland and then beat up someone to steal their ticket, then mooch a room off one of you guys.