Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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Also, I was wondering if any of you would object on me bringing down some weed? I plus anyone who would smoke it wouldn't smoke it in the room, but probably somewhere else where we could hide.
I'm not bothered either way. If there's alcohol, I'll drink, but I was just fine not drinking last year

@ML... I don't care, I don't know if anyone else does.

Well my friend will want to bring down and smoke some weed, and I was thinking a few others might want to join. So I was just wondering. Also, I might have a beer if there is some, but it doesn't matter to me.
@ Zeph
Ok... no.
This debate right here?
This is why I suggested what I suggested
You can be in the dry room, and not give a fuck about the ramifications.

Obviously there will be some of us who want to drink. If you're afraid of getting in trouble, then get in the non-drinking room.
From the sound of it, most in the other room will be over 21, anyways... since you, V5, Zeph, ML and I are the only under 21's I know for sure are going. ML and I being the only minors in the alcohol room.

I don't think anyone here is retarded enough to cause a ruckus and ruin it for anyone... well except ML, but there are enough of us to kick his ass until he shuts up.
Thinking about it, I'd rather we all play it safe. It's not like not having a few shots will detract from the experience.
@ Zeph
Ok... no.
This debate right here?
This is why I suggested what I suggested
You can be in the dry room, and not give a fuck about the ramifications.

Obviously there will be some of us who want to drink. If you're afraid of getting in trouble, then get in the non-drinking room.
From the sound of it, most in the other room will be over 21, anyways... since you, V5, Zeph, ML and I are the only under 21's I know for sure are going. ML and I being the only minors in the alcohol room.

I don't think anyone here is retarded enough to cause a ruckus and ruin it for anyone... well except ML, but there are enough of us to kick his ass until he shuts up.
Also include my friend.

I honestly doubt that the cops are going to come after us. Just as long as we keep the sound under a bit of control. Which I thing we can all do.
But if you insist on being so deviant, don't make others a liability.

Hence my whole suggestion.
And I'm not being "deviant." I am more than capable of responsibly enjoying alcohol, to where there is no chance of there being a problem regarding an alcohol related incident.

The hotel is so big, and so full of MDFers, the hotel staff is not patrolling the halls searching for underage drinkers.
The only people who you even see are non-American speaking maids.

And TBH, it's all dependent on who gets the rooms in their name. If they're comfortable with drinking in one of the rooms, then I don't see a problem.

Speaking of which... who's doing that?