Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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Okay, here's how I sort of envision this whole situation:

21+ people in one room, under 21 people in the other. That way there can at least be drinking in one of the rooms. The under-21s can hang out in the other room, but we'll of course not be offering them any alcohol, and trust that they won't do anything we'd get in trouble for.
I'm willing to pay for a room if GR isn't. But I want to see some money in advance. Even half the needed amount would be cool if people for some reason don't trust me - it would at least show that you intend on paying something. But people really should be paying in full beforehand.
Yeah, that sounds good.

Since GR isn't totally sure he's going yet, are there any objections to me taking point on the other room so we can move ahead with this?
No, 17.

I told my mom that I'm going down with Jeremy.
I think she likes him also, so that's a plus. She doesn't know about any of you.
Ah right, I guess travel time would take a good chunk out of Friday and Monday for you.

It would be cool if some people wanted to hang around on Monday to do sightseeing/lunch/shooting the shit. I suppose a lot of you will be trying to get back home early that day though.