Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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I just need a confirmation on me booking the room so I can order my plane ticket. It's up to you guys, if you trust me with your money or not.
I assure you, you have nothing to worry about, but I just need confirmation.
Okay, going by the people who seem very likely to be going so far, here's how we can split up the cost of the hotel rooms for now:

Paying vihris:
whiskey funeral
genocide roach

Paying seed:

We may eventually get a confirmation from mutantllama and viewer from nihil, but haven't yet to my knowledge.

I just checked the Tremont Suites website, and the listed rate for a 2-bed suite for Friday through Sunday is:

That's a nice chunk of change less than last year (recession, fuck yeah). So if we split two of those according to the list I have above, that's:
$109.25 per person

In a current best-case scenario wherein mutantllama, his friend, and viewer join up with us, that would bring the cost down to $79.45 per person (with everyone paying an equal amount) - a difference of about $30 each.

I say we give llama and viewer until the end of Saturday to give us a confirmation, and at that point if we've heard nothing we can either (A) have the rest of the people pay the $109.25 and give llama and viewer a metaphorical "handout" of opportunity free of commitment, or (B) make them pay $79.45 with everyone else to reserve a spot, with the understanding that they'll be refunded if they end up not going. Option B seems like the fairer one, and could apply to anyone else on the forums who's on the fence as well.

So basically, I think we should require everyone who wants the chance at a spot to commit to the payment by the end of Saturday. Then we'll have a solid figure to divvy up the cost by, and we can finally start harassing people to send Mr. Seed and me sweet, sweet monies. Sound good everyone?
Cool. Right now I'm just looking for a consensus that Option B is acceptable to most people. Once I get that, I'll start notifying people by PM to state their intentions.
Is Dan coming too, Andy? If so... that's even less money... which is good.

edit: also, Vihris... we need to make sure we get adjacent rooms, it would make things quite a bit easier. I don't know how you want to go about that, but it would be a good idea.
Oh, before people start ordering plane/train tickets (well, those who haven't yet at least): do any of you guys want to hang around Baltimore on Monday afternoon for lunch/sightseeing/conversation?

I know this may seem a little superfluous given the amount of time we'll be together, but I think it would be nice to have one day to hang out without being tied to the club to catch shows. And it seems like at least some of you will have Monday off due to travel time, so why not take advantage of that to spend more time with people you only see once a year?

It would be a good chance to do sightseeing of places in Baltimore outside of the immediate area around the club, if anyone knows of somewhere that would be cool to go. I'd even be up for something cheesy like a naval museum or an aquarium.

I know a lot of you probably aren't looking for this much comradery for the weekend, but if anyone wants to do this I'm completely for it.

And yeah, as far as adjacent rooms, we should contact Tremont about that before either of us makes an order. I guess I'll go ahead and do the initial contacting once we've gotten money from people and are ready to get the rooms.
If Dan is up for it and he drives, yeah, that's cool. If I go with Jeremy and Nick and whoever else, I'm sure they'll be OK with it too.
ok, i'm going to try to get 1 or two of my friends in on this. me and my friends tend to be rather disorganized so if they're up for this, everything should go good and well for everyone. hopefully i'll have confirmation by friday
ive already seen alot of baltimore, so i would pass. mostly because its another day of leave that gets charged, ya know? i dont have much of it
Whats happening>?????? Just got my tix today.
I'll be flying out from Shit Lake City. Down to do a bit of partying perhaps. Definetly lookin to share a room if possible.

Let me know if I can get in on this, possibly another Utah residing heathen who will be with me as well.