Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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We were never really in the room except to watch TV for the time between bad bands (we watched some bad horror movie iirc), eat food, and listen to stuff on Myspace.

edit: oh yeah and sleep.
Check your PMs. I originally sent the notice out a few days ago, so my RSVP "deadline" is close to expiring.
Check your PMs. A prompt reply would be appreciated since I've gotten confirmations from pretty much everyone else, and need to get the final figure on how much each person will be paying.
Note to everyone:
I've updated the list on the OP to show who has committed to paying in advance for a room so far.
Yeah, I guess I'll give Eligos and Melodeath two more days to PM me, and from that point we'll move on to the money collection phase, with or without them.

If they respond late, then as punishment we can make them mail out their payments to all 14 other people to even it out. :heh: